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Finished Festival: The Fourth Blood Moon


Lord of Altera

“The time has come for us to enter the light.
On the fourth blood moon, we dance in honor of our queen.
All will know the truth of Vermella,
the faithful and the doubtful will gather,
And the Path of Red will be shown.”

this event is PUBLIC.

that means there’s no secrecy going on here. All the Followers of Vermella would know of this, and they're free to invite whoever they deem fit to learn the truth.

Date and Time Set (but subject to change)

Friday, Oct. 3

Countdown Fourth Blood Moon&swk=1
Time in Your Timezone! Blood Moon&iso=20141003T17&p1=156

Location Set
this event will occur at the Crossroads cathedral

there is feasting, and by tradition, this is a “bring your own food” sort of feast. so bring lots of foodstuffs, and your best musical talent, because there will be song and dance. as well, Salheira Rain-River, Housekeeper of Vermella, intends to make a speech, regarding the new era, and the path that all followers must now walk.

-Priest/Priestess/Religious Leader: Salheira Rain-River
-Public or Private: public
-Temples or Shrines Involved: Crossroads Cathedral
-Have you spoken with the town/region owners and are they aware of the risks to their region involved? Server Build
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Lord of Altera
Welp....y'all have fun with the French on this one, Ina stay over here and live. *suddenly rememebers vowing to Vermella herself to be her peoples protector*

...Damnit Gaby.