Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Fionnuala AKA Blue


Lord of Altera
Name: Fionnuala (No one really knows her full name)
Full Titles: N/A
Nickname/Alias: Blue

Age: She seems around 14/ 15
Gender: Female
Race: Seemingly Human
Social Status: basically a peasant child
Height: 5'6
Date of Birth: This is unknown as she doesn't know of any family
Date of Death: soon if she messes with the wrong person again
Homeland: Unknown
Current Home: she lives wandering the streets

Build: at first glance she is on the thin sided, but shouldn't be underestimated
Hair: She has medium, long brown hair that falls all the way down her back, sometimes with green bows in it. Usually tangled.
Eyes: Piercing icy Blue eyes, sometimes look almost grey.
Skin: Pale with little scars and bruises all over
Identifying Marks: You can't see it due to her hair, but she has a large scar on her forehead that goes to the side of her head.
Appearance: She appears quite disheveled and dirty, although she is quite pretty no one is able to see it with her hair over her face and her face being covered in dirt on occasion.
Clothing: She wears a plain boring green shirt with little white buttons running up the center, a pair of dirty brown trousers with a very well made dark blue cloak with gold trimmings.
Weaponry: she prefers to use a bow and arrow, but also carries around a well made sword and a small dagger.
Prized Possessions: she holds her bow and her sword higher than any over her small amount of possessions, as they represent her battles with others in which she has won and are almost a part of her.
Hygiene: She is almost always covered in dirt, unless she decides to go for a swim wearing all of her clothes, and for this reason (and her attitude) she is thought to be riddled with germs
Voice: she used to talk to people in a hissing voice, showing her wild side and her dislike of people, but now she talks with a slightly raspy voice which becomes soft when talking to someone she likes or looks up to.

Strengths: she is strong physically and knows all to well how to take care of herself and depend on nobody else. She also has a very good aim when it comes to throwing rocks, and using her bow. She is also quite fast and able to maneuver around easily and quickly.
Fears: she doesn't have any fears that usually show as she is bold, sometimes too bold for her own good.
Weaknesses: She may be strong, but she is not strong enough to overpower someone without using her dirty tricks. When he begins to like someone she often becomes very loyal, which could potentially be bad, although it almost never happens.
Intelligence: She is quite cunning despite never being educated, she knows nothing of politics and religion, but knows how to survive on her own and how too annoy people too.
Languages: She only know the common tongue, but seems to know how to curse at someone in other languages.

Personality: She can be annoying and hot headed, but to a certain few she can be caring and loyal. But she can become extremely vicious.
Religion or Cults: She hardly even knows about religion.


Place: She tends to hang out on the roof or inside the crossroads inn, and tends to just run about outside.
Pastime: Throwing rocks at passersby and hunting.
Food: She enjoys eating melon and chicken allot.
Drink: water...
Colour: Blue, one of the reasons why she uses it as her name.
Animal: She especially loves Horses and pigs, occasionally she will trap a chicken and take it as a pet... or hostage.

BACKSTORY: To be added

INSPIRATIONS: This was actually a character I thought of before but never made a character profile for, so I decided to alter my idea and create this. Her looks and certain aspects of her personality are based off of myself :p

My in-game name is: Utahraptor1 (Used to be bluebird157 :( )


Lord of Altera
Name: Fionnuala (No one really knows her full name)
Full Titles: N/A
Nickname/Alias: Blue

Age: She seems around 14/ 15
Gender: Female
Race: Seemingly Human
Social Status: basically a peasant child
Height: 5'6
Date of Birth: This is unknown as she doesn't know of any family
Date of Death: soon if she messes with the wrong person again
Homeland: Unknown
Current Home: she lives wandering the streets

Build: at first glance she is on the thin sided, but shouldn't be underestimated
Hair: She has medium, long brown hair that falls all the way down her back, sometimes with green bows in it. Usually tangled.
Eyes: Piercing icy Blue eyes, sometimes look almost grey.
Skin: Pale with little scars and bruises all over
Identifying Marks: You can't see it due to her hair, but she has a large scar on her forehead that goes to the side of her head.
Appearance: She appears quite disheveled and dirty, although she is quite pretty no one is able to see it with her hair over her face and her face being covered in dirt on occasion.
Clothing: She wears a plain boring green shirt with little white buttons running up the center, a pair of dirty brown trousers with a very well made dark blue cloak with gold trimmings.
Weaponry: she prefers to use a bow and arrow, but also carries around a well made sword and a small dagger.
Prized Possessions: she holds her bow and her sword higher than any over her small amount of possessions, as they represent her battles with others in which she has won and are almost a part of her.
Hygiene: She is almost always covered in dirt, unless she decides to go for a swim wearing all of her clothes, and for this reason (and her attitude) she is thought to be riddled with germs
Voice: she used to talk to people in a hissing voice, showing her wild side and her dislike of people, but now she talks with a slightly raspy voice which becomes soft when talking to someone she likes or looks up to.

Strengths: she is strong physically and knows all to well how to take care of herself and depend on nobody else. She also has a very good aim when it comes to throwing rocks, and using her bow. She is also quite fast and able to maneuver around easily and quickly.
Fears: she doesn't have any fears that usually show as she is bold, sometimes too bold for her own good.
Weaknesses: She may be strong, but she is not strong enough to overpower someone without using her dirty tricks. When he begins to like someone she often becomes very loyal, which could potentially be bad, although it almost never happens.
Intelligence: She is quite cunning despite never being educated, she knows nothing of politics and religion, but knows how to survive on her own and how too annoy people too.
Languages: She only know the common tongue, but seems to know how to curse at someone in other languages.

Personality: She can be annoying and hot headed, but to a certain few she can be caring and loyal. But she can become extremely vicious.
Religion or Cults: She hardly even knows about religion.


Place: She tends to hang out on the roof or inside the crossroads inn, and tends to just run about outside.
Pastime: Throwing rocks at passersby and hunting.
Food: She enjoys eating melon and chicken allot.
Drink: water...
Colour: Blue, one of the reasons why she uses it as her name.
Animal: She especially loves Horses and pigs, occasionally she will trap a chicken and take it as a pet... or hostage.

BACKSTORY: To be added

INSPIRATIONS: This was actually a character I thought of before but never made a character profile for, so I decided to alter my idea and create this. Her looks and certain aspects of her personality are based off of myself :p

My in-game name is: Utahraptor1 (Used to be bluebird157 :( )
I'm screaming because yes.
I've missed you!!! :eek: