Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Francis Drake


I think I might like it here
Name: Francis Drake
Full Titles: None
Nickname/Alias: None

(Picture coming soon, I need to find someone whom is willing to draw one for me, heh. ^^;)

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status: Peasant
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5"11
Weight: 158 pounds
Date of Birth: Unknown to him.
Date of Death: TBA
Homeland: Sadly, he can't recall. He didn't stay long enough to care...
Current Home: None

Build: Rather slim, a little muscle to him from his constant travels, but not exceptionally noticeable. Most of the little bit of muscle he has is in his legs, which seem a little more bulked than other parts of his body. He stands with good posture, to the point where his back arches back a little, when standing making him appear very condescending.

Hair: Slightly dulled out Black, shoulder length. Straight hair, with a few strands out of place.

Eyes: His eyes are Hazel, and have a clean look to them, a piercing stare.

Skin: He is Caucasian, with a pale lifelessness to his skin. He dislikes the outdoors.

Identifying Marks: None.

Appearance: His is a Human male standing at 5'11. He has high cheek bones, which go unnoticed when matched with his eyes. Of which are slightly covered by his hair.

Clothing: He wears a slightly worn open black trench coat, with a new brown buttoned tunic underneath. He wore a ankle length set of trousers, which covered all of his skin, unusual in the Medieval Era. His shoes were painted black, had an opening down the instep, and were secured by straps. Although... Perhaps he needed a new pair, as they are quite worn from his travels!

Weaponry: A worn down iron blade.

Prized Possessions: His newly purchased journal, in which he got upon arriving in this land.

Hygiene: He prefers to keep himself clean whenever possible, stopping at various wash houses. Also, he enjoys the care of his teeth, preferring to keep them as white as possible, but sometimes he may neglect them as he may not have the time.

Voice: His voice is rather soft, with a ragged tone underlying it. This gave it a lift whenever he got cross with anyone, or just needed to speak up. But all in all It is a normal voice.

Strengths: Is decent with potions, and can make some Brews. Enjoys writing, and is pretty good at it.

Fears: Dying. Spiders sneaking up on him.

Weaknesses: Slight arachnophobia?

Intelligence: Very intelligent man. For a Scholar, he has a lot to learn even now.

Languages: English

Profession: Alchemist/Scholar

Personality: Rather kind, and gentle. Understanding personality. Can sometimes test boundaries. Enjoys perseverance when it comes to anything he, or a group and him starts, and enjoys seeing it to the end. He can be a tad obsessive, at times however, bordering insanity, if not in the presence of others. But nothing forthcoming or dangerous.

Religion or Cults: He praises Skraag!

Alignment: Neutral?

Short Term Goals: Find a home... Learn more about potions!

Long Term Goals: Master Alchemist, Novelist.


Place: The Crossroads
Pastime: Walking
Food: Bread
Drink: Chai Tea
Colour: Purple
Animal: Dog

Least Favourite...
Place: Dark Caves
Pastime: Shopping
Food: Mushroom Stew
Drink: Alcohol/Beer/Wine
Colour: Purple
Animal: Rat

Loved: None
Trusted: None
Befriended: None
Liked: None
Neutral: None
Unsure of: None
Wary of: None
Afraid of: None
Disliked: None

BACKSTORY: - To be written soon!

INSPIRATIONS: - To be written soon!


Novice Alchemist - He can brew meager potions, but is hoping to improve his craft!

Decent Novelist - He can write decently well. Enough to write a good sized book, if given enough time!

Poor Swordsmanship - Although he carries an iron blade, he seldom uses it. He doesn't care to learn more about Swordsmanship if he doesn't have to...

- To be updated as he progresses! -

My in-game name is: Sykon1010

Seeing as this is a Character Jounral, I'll just have to go over it a lot, and update it a lot. To tired to go into depth, unfortunately tonight.