Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Free City] Uliima Gurum


Lord of Altera
"As the man appeared he said: "Kneel to my greatness!" His voice sounded like thunder, yet he did not shout, his face hidden by the hood he wore. "Kneel, you fool, for I am your god, and you are my follower."
The man was standing there, slightly shocked, passively waiting to see what would happen. As the rain started to poor down on the two the man moved back slightly...
"If you are a god, then prove it!" The man stuttered slightly, but was quite convincingly hiding his state of mind. Untill his eyes crossed the floor before him, where the rain steadily started to turn red. The man turned pale, he quickly felt his face and discovered that he was bleeding from his nose. Slightly relieved that it was just an ordinary nosebleed he looked up.
"Making my nose bleed, hah! You're no-" He suddenly stopped as he spotted that his hand was covered in blood. And so was his other hand! This couldn't be from a nosebleed, it was far too much blood. As he tried to discover where the blood came from his eyes started bleeding and his vision turned reddish-black. There was no other option, it couldn't be anyone else...
He kneeled down on the floor and shouted as loud as he still could: "Praise Kilrox, the Evil god of war, Lord of blood, rape and slaughter, Master of oppression and slavery, Cause of all evil! Spare me, for I am your servant and I will do your bidding!" The desperation was clearly hearable, but luckily for him so was his willingness to serve.
The god laughed and continued while the man kneeled, still bleeding heavily. "I know you will, you have been a good slave of my will so far and therefor I will not kill you outright. No, I have a much more important task for you, young slave. My followers run thin in this world and the ones that I have do not cause enough havoc. I need new younglings, such as you, puny little slave." The god laughed at his own insult, while the man was still bleeding heavily.
Suddenly the god stopped laughing. "You are running out of blood quite quickly. Hmpf, puny mortals... Either way, let's wrap this up shall we? I need you to recruit me new followers, and therefor I give you these lands." As he spoke the two teleported to a cold and mountainous region. "Build me a holy place that will show the world how glorious evil is! Recruit me followers, or I will be back, and the bleeding won't stop so soon then..." As he mentioned the word, the man stopped bleeding, sitting there, alone in a cold wasteland. The god had gone as he came, in the blink of an eye. The man, almost as pale as the snow around him looked around, past the bloodied snow, up to the mountain next to him. He stood up at once and started working, working on the throne of death, working on Uliima Gurum!"

Settlement Name: Uliima Gurum
Mayor: Markisbeest
Assistant Mayors : *none*
Markisbeest; Markus Groothart
Several others that do not wish to be named.

So yes, I've been working on a project, called Uliima Gurum, which is Black Speech (Nazgul tongue) for Throne of Death. Currently we're in the process of setting up some basic town functions.

The City has been turned into a free city, serving as a place where the oppressed, the murderers, the outcasts, basically the filth of Altera are allowed to live.

It's body of government is the so-called Council of Elder Priests, led by the High Priest of Kilrox, it's members being both prominent priests serving in the Cathedral of Blood and prominent members of the city, who have been given the rank as an honorary title.

The authority of these priests is not up for question, and they should be treated with decent amounts of respect, they are in every way above you.

We have strong ties to house Groothart, who are supreme rulers over the lands of Altera and have honored the city with their presence and even the True King, High Lord Markus Groothart's seat of power.

Members will be given the options to join House Groothart.

Current builds are:
The Cathedral of Blood
The Library
The Arena
The Crippled Kitten Inn
The Docks
The Bank of Uliima Gurum (it's a link!)
The Portal Room (currently unused)
The Postal Office (made when the plans were still there)

Here's a template you can use if you do so wish to join:
MC name:
RP name:
Rp reason for wanting to join:
Do you worship Kilrox?:
Do you mind people worshipping Kilrox?:
Are you able to join House Groothart?:

Feel free to apply.


Lord of Altera
A welcoming face such as this will make you feel at home right away!
Please do walk through it's mouth, he won't bite... hard.

I see you've found your way downstairs! Now, now, it's not like this was supposed to feel dark and scary, we were just out of torches! Ahead's our little shrine to our god.

2012-07-28_17.05.28.png2012-07-28_17.05.40.png2012-07-28_17.05.58.png Did you enjoy our architecture? It was quite some digging I must say! Now as you see we also have the possibility to host wedding ceremonies, or funerals, or both, we'll make it work, nothing to worry!

2012-07-28_17.06.15.png2012-07-28_17.06.25.png We also provide for several types of execution, beheading is of course an all time favourite, but personally I enjoy the smell of burnt flesh a lot! Don't worry about the stake, we have plenty of them, just burn away as much as you'd like.

We also have a humble place, to host meetings, complete with lava to throw ones who make lousy suggestions in! Also, don't sit on my throne, sitting on my throne counts as a lousy suggestion.

We also had the time to construct plenty of graves for our most honored worshippers. Those who lie here are truly the heroes of Kilrox! It's mostly empty, what can I say, we tend to kill others instead of dying.

I hope you enjoyed the tour around the Cathedral of Blood! We certainly did enjoy your presence, you can choose to leave the Bloody Lord a gift, perhaps he won't order us to take a gift of blood that way... Please come again! And bring some blood!


Lord of Altera
Currently houses:
Bloodshed Street 1: Markus Groothart - Markisbeest
Bloodshed Street 2: Owned
Bloodshed Street 3: Owned
Burning Slave Avenue 1: Vacant
Burning Slave Avenue 2: Owned
Burning Slave Avenue 3: Vacant
Burning Slave Avenue 4: Vacant

Current rp positions:
High Priest: Markus Groothart - Markisbeest
Librarian: Vacant.
Innkeeper: Vacant.
Arena Master: Vacant.
Dockmaster: Vacant.

Town Rules:
  1. Respect the High and Elder Priests.
  2. Do not build/mine without permission (except interior, go ahead with that).
  3. Every citizen is expected to help with the defence of the town in some shape or form during a war. Helping in offensive operations is very much appreciated too.

How to get there:
  • By boat from Nilfheim.


MC name: SparkInSpace
RP name: Gurtha
Rp reason for wanting to join: As a servant of Kilrox it would be an honour to be a part of this.
Are you somehow able to transform into an animal?: no.
If yes, is it caused by the moon?: most definatly not.
Give some examples to show me you don't make derpy buildings: Hmm im sending this from my phone but when I get to my PC I will knock up a few buildings and post them here.

I love the idea by the way :)


Magus of Nothing
MC name: jakp25
RP name: Jack Bloodcloak
Rp reason for wanting to join: I wish to see that this Organisation does as Kilrox wishes.
Are you somehow able to transform into an animal?: No.
If yes, is it caused by the moon?: ...

Are you a part of the Cult of Kilrox?: Yes.
Give some examples to show me you don't make derpy buildings: Kilrox's Chosen get's others to build for him. :p


Magus of Nothing
Also, I have the feeling Kilrox would just kill you for doubting him. Anyhow I doubt he would spare you.


Loyal Servant of Altera
if youre rly doing this you and i need to have a conversation about some rp dynamics ^^ ill sned oyu a pm in te morning!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
MC name: BLargtheAwesome
RP name:
Basil Marshall Saeradan
Rp reason for wanting to join: I'm a Vyre... I also worship Kilrox
Are you somehow able to transform into an animal?: Nope
If yes, is it caused by the moon?: Nope

Are you a part of the Cult of Kilrox?: I believe so.
Give some examples to show me you don't make derpy buildings: Uhm... I'd say my house my house in Tauredal, but I didn't build some of it... Built most of it, though.


Lord of Altera
Ohh wonderful. We need an "evil" city. Question, does this affect your place in the alliance Mark?
Uhm, nope I don't think it does, my character likes his job as dockmaster so he'll probably just hold onto it as a "hobby" and besides, I'm building ships of war, so I'm all in my element :p


Lord of Altera
Building this is put to a halt, thanks for everyone who helped so far, with recent developments I decided it'd be best to wait out the new lore before deciding if it is character-relevant for me to continue with this.


Lord of Altera
Updated with screenies!

Also the city is open to visitors now. Don't break anything, I'll break things of yours then.


Lord of Altera
in one of those pics you got some table and chairs made of stonebrick, and the floor is too!
change one or the other so theres contrast! wood cobble, sandstone in a few days, w/e just not the same!
Thanks for the suggestion! I was going to redo that area, but I hadn't thought of that!


Loyal Servant of Altera
My application is only if you decide to make a watery area.

MC name: bewpy
RP name: Nimue Eris Oceana
Rp reason for wanting to join: She's evil and enjoys evil things and activities. She does hate land-dwellers, but she hates goody good land-dwellers even more.
Are you somehow able to transform into an animal?: Er, she's a mermaid?
If yes, is it caused by the moon?: Nopes
Are you a part of the Cult of Kilrox?: Nopes
Give some examples to show me you don't make derpy buildings: I make the derpiest buildings ever


Legend of Altera
MC name:GratifiedGorilla
RP name:Gratifi Illa, (maybe Alastair Illa)
Rp reason for wanting to join: I have nothing to do for a while and i'm happy to serve the cult or my uppers.
Are you somehow able to transform into an animal?:In my dreams
If yes, is it caused by the moon?:yes, i have dreams at night

Are you a part of the Cult of Kilrox?:Why of course i am, you silly billy
Give some examples to show me you don't make derpy buildings:I would, but Qri made me destroy my fancy house, and i was kicked out of my trap ridden house in Cutthroat cove, so .. :p but i can build fancy-nice and not derpy