Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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freetrigger - Application [Approved - Alaila]


1: freetrigger
2: Cameron Nelson
3: 14 years of age
4: Male
5: the United States of America.

6: Yes, I have read and agree to the terms of the Tome of Citizenship.

7: I love the roleplay aspect of the sever. I have had plenty of experience with roleplay servers in the past, and am excited to continue my roleplaying endeavors to this server.

8: Hello! My name is cameron Nelson. My main interests are History, gaming, and computers. I am currently learning java, and that is one of the main reasons I started playing MineCraft. My favorite gaming types are RTS games and RPGs. I have played plenty of "RPG" servers, but most of them were real let downs. My main interest in history is in the Romans. This has helped my knowledge and effectiveness in RPGs. I am here to find the ultimate RPG server.

9: I sure wish I had taken the time to take pictures or videos of my best mods/works, but I have not. Sorry!

10:I do have a friend on the server, (minecraft username) noname3212. He showed me this place and told me it is the best!

11: I am aware that all multiplayer mods that affect the gameplay for others and myself are unacceptable, and are a ticket to the banhammer.


Sparkly purple member of the team
I'm going to approve your application. Please behave and have fun. :p
Before running off to explore Altera I highly recommend that you take ten minutes to read The Altera Survival Guide (click) and the server rules on the wiki (click). It's only ten minutes and it will make your first days in the server much more enjoyable, I'm sure.
