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Finished [Frid 17] Testing the Wards


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
“Hello Friends,

I know most of us have only recently only just returned but the world did not stop in our absence. They continued down the path we left them on. Sometimes that is for the good such as the war we left has now been resolved to peace. Yet we still continue onward the path of Bastion hunting without knowing what they are doing. Those we entrusted to tell us the truth of the stones we have taken have told us little and yet we still search to remove these stones.

I wish to know if these stones form the wards which protect the Northern Kingdoms. We will test it. I am organizing a ship and crew to head into the Sorrows to retrieve from there three recently risen undead. Restrain them. And then return to the Northern Kingdoms. If my fears are correct and the wards are weakening we should be able to bring them into the Northern Kingdoms without delay. If this is the case I will use them to study undead and perhaps create a cure while also attempt to convince those looking for the Bastions that this is madness.

If they are not able to survive re-entering Altera’s wards it means they are still strong and perhaps this Bastion business is not the madness I fear it is. Regardless it's something that needs testing. I included all of you because I trust all of you with my life and seeing as I am unable to come with you on this trip and am sending Kopii in my place I need that level of trust. Each of you can bring one person with you but I wish to limit it to that at most. We need to be able to move quickly and quietly. Do not bring anyone who cannot sail, fight or learn one or the other quickly.

You may find me in Arget to discuss any details.

Azure Cerridwen.”

The Above letter was sent to the following people at the following locations.

To Grajfell's Ranger Outpost Jaden Seeker- CloakedReaper
Also to Grafjell's Ranger Outpost Ater Impes- zXzMAGIIKzXz
Invited In Person Kopii Grey- Omikuji
Explained in Person Akasha Zima'maloj- Lady Alec

DMs: Balatro (May add more if he needs help and the peeps I ask say yes)
solus - Has graciously worked with us when Bal couldn't make it through two date changes so far. Thanks :D

The Invited:
Eli- Spooksy_
Eltsir- Eltsir (?)
Edgar- Myself (cause I can and main is still doing his best ancient old man impression)
Kethron- Heie
(?) Lelia Michcat (Pending Jaden actually asking her)

Date: June 17th, 2016
Time: Whenever Solus says we're good that evening.
Event: Private (By Invite Only)
Rating: Violent*
*While Violent we roll on a auto consent to injury with a high likelihood of injury happening. Character death is very rare and will likely only happen if you want it to happen or you jump into a vat of lava or something similar.

OOC Event Rundown:
We will sail to the Sorrows IC probably have some fun along the way. When we reach the sorrows we will attempt to capture Three recently risen undead. Now there will be lots of fighting and a lot of it will be in game fighting so come prepared for that. Now the capture of the recent risen will be done via RP with a DM controlling the undead. Depending on turn out we may split up into groups so to keep the RP focus small so each characters actions are important and they have real impact upon the success or failure of the mission.

Hopefully we collect the three undead and restrain them in the ship's brig under the deck so the sunlight doesn't make them cook. Then we will sail home. Depending on time restraints maybe have more encounters and fun maybe not. Either way we will return and see if our zombies make the trip. If they make the trip they will be escorted down to a secure location upon return and then we can all go from there.
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Dead Man Walking
Awwa, man. I really hope Dum'ni catches wind of this. I'd love for our characters to talk about this stuff.


Lord of Altera
Kopii: *Puts on his 'I :heart: Azure' shirt* I'm ready, I'll not disappoint you, Silver!


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Awwa, man. I really hope Dum'ni catches wind of this. I'd love for our characters to talk about this stuff.
xD would be fun but as it is Azure will probably avoid Dummi about this since if successful he doesn't plan on being particularly nice to these zombies. They'll essentially become testing subjects for well anything Azure wants to tinker with.

A cure to undeath? Kill them again.
You should really look into getting a donated sense of fun to replace your broken one. :p


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Updated this with the invited being tagged. Spooksy I keep on trying to RP with you to invite you but we keep seeming to be on different times or when we are RPing something else is going on. So lets just say you get letter saying you can come if you want to. Also added time and such since no one has told me this is a bad time yet I assume its good. If issues are arising please let me know folks.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
So this got postponed to some unforeseen things happening. I am in the process of rescheduling now with staff and group. Sorry for delay. I will update this as soon as I know for sure.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
This has been updated IC and OOC. Eltsir is on shaky ground due to some RP that happened. Kethron was invited.

Also Solus has worked with us through two date changes now and been incredibly patient and we appreciate it. She's the new DM for this event.
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The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Okay so couple things. First off this is still happening today when Solus says it starts. And second if you wish to join this is no longer private but sort of public due to a couple people dropping out on me. The only thing is please please only come if you're character is willing to listen to commands IC n such so we can have this event go smoothly as opposed to a series of epeen waving.

Limit of folks who can join will be first five to show up/respond since it is supposed to be small and I don't want to put undue pressure on the DMs.

Lady Alec

Captain No Fun
Retired Staff
Eli is going to show up for sure !
Do you have any set time yet?
No real set time sorry. We are waiting for whenever Solus gets on and is ready. Most of us are hanging out in Arget right now just waiting ooc.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
The crew all returned a few more battered and bruised than the rest but they all returned. Findings will be disseminated in the coming days.

A huge thank you to solus Niah our wonderful DMs

Snerus Spooksy_ Heie
The others are already tagged for showing up. It was a blast. :)


Lord of Altera
Yeeee that was so much fun! Thank you DMs for the fun event :heart:

Kopii was doing so well, then got a zombie hicky :c