Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Friendly Friends

Hey guys, I've noticed we don't have a thread for this already and I'm sure a lot of us have a 3DS or 2DS. So I felt we needed a friend code sharing thread or just a 3DS/2DS one in general :D

I've made a little template for you guys so you can easily search the thread and find the codes, but you don't have to use it :p

Friend Code:
3DS or 2DS:
Favoutite Game:
Game you own;

Here's mine :D make sure to add me~

Friend Code: 0061 - 1258 - 3267
3DS or 2DS: 3DS
Favoutite Game: Animal Crossing : New Leaf
Game you own; Animal Crossing : New Leaf, Pokemon X, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate