Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Galdor de Brelingen-The Golden Legate


Lord of Altera
(Galdor in Armour)

Character’s full name: Lord Galdor Northhill
Reason or meaning of name: His social standings and his house
Character’s nickname:
Reason for nickname:
Birth date: A very long time ago

Physical appearance
Gender: Male
Race: Elf (Silver)
Age: 160
How old does he/she appear: 30-50
Weight: 295 pounds, mainly muscle
Height: 6ft 7 inches
Body build: Mainly muscle very little fat (imagine Hulk Hogan and you have a good Image of his body)
Shape of face: Chiselled and very angular
Eye colour: Ones green one Grey
Glasses or type of aid for the eyes: None
Skin tone: A pale tone (the average British completion)
Distinguishing marks: A Large Scar across his left eye
Predominant features: The large scar on his eye and his huge size in general
Hair colour: Black
Type of hair: Long tied back (Legolas hair)
Hairstyle: Look at Legolas you have your answer
Billy Connelly
Overall attractiveness: Was quite a great beauty in his youth but now battle scars and age have made him a less handsome man
Physical disabilities: Only able to see through one eye
Usual fashion of dress: In armour and if not that then in leather and chainmail
Favourite outfit: His Legates armour
Jewellery or accessories: A single gold band ring

Good personality traits: Happy and comedic extremely loyal and will always stand for the good in the world
Bad personality traits: Lets his Emotions control him; always see the good in people even when they are evil.
Mood character is most often in: Happy, Jovial
Sense of humour: Galdor has a very good sense of humour
Character’s greatest joy in life: His Family
Character’s greatest fear: Losing his family or losing his other eye
Why?: He loves them to much, doesn’t really want to blind
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Losing Naela
Character is most at ease when: He has a pipe in his hand and his feet by a fire
Most ill at ease when: There is danger in the air
Enraged when: People are killed without rhyme or reason
Depressed or sad when: He loses people who are his friends
Priorities: Protect Turia and his own family
Life philosophy: The world is full of nitwits and lunatics but all the best people are lunatics
If granted one wish, it would be: To have his wife back from the dead
Why?: He misses her deeply
Character’s soft spot: His Granddaughter Lunasa
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Oh gods yes
Greatest strength: His physical abilities and his years of Battlefield experience
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His size means that he is slow and he is a big target for archers
Biggest regret: Leaving his Home when his son was missing
Minor regret: Not seeing the madness of his Nephew
Biggest accomplishment: Becoming a legate of Turia
Minor accomplishment: Becoming a grandfather
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: You’ll have to find that out yourself
Character’s darkest secret: He doesn’t really like the Gods, Would prefer to use Logic to solve problems not there powers
Does anyone else know?: No

Drives and motivations: A strive to destroy evil and see the best for the world
Immediate goals: make house Northhill powerful within Turia
Long term goals: To see the Silver elves thrive again in the world through his new gains
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: In reality he has no idea but he is working on it
How other characters will be affected: Hopefully for the best, well the Elves will be doing well at least

Hometown: Brelingen
Type of childhood: Happy and Loving
Pets: None
First memory: Playing with papa Olaf in the garden by the great oak.
Most important childhood memory: The loss of the farm his parents owned to a fire and there journey to find greener pastures
Why?: It made up a large proportion of his childhood and made him the man he is today
Childhood hero: his father Olaf
Dream job: A Soldier
Education: Home schooled by his mother so mid-level average intelligence
Religion: Silas
Finances: Good at first but after the fire poorer than they where

Current location: Castle Westpoint
Currently living with: His daughter, two sons and his godson
Pets: none
Religion: He follows no religion directly but if he had to he would follow silas
Occupation: Lord of Turia
Finances: Good his job pays well


Mother: Julia Senatoor
Relationship with her: He couldn’t live without her
Father: Olaf Senatoor
Relationship with him: His Father a good man and his hero
Siblings: two brothers
Relationship with them: good they were mischievous and curious together
Spouse: Elia Senatoor
Relationship with him/her: Loved her more than life itself, made him a better man
Children: Tyrisae Northhill , Thandar Northhill
Relationship with them: Loved his son wanted him to be a man of honour
Other important family members: Naela his Adopted daughter

Color: Green
Least favorite color: Grey
Music: Whatever is playing
Food: BEEF
Literature: Stories and myths
Form of entertainment: Theatre
Mode of transportation: Walking
Most prized possession: His Gold ring

Hobbies: Fishing
Plays a musical instrument?: No he never was any good with instruments
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Inside reading
Spending habits: He can spend but he likes to save
Smokes: Oh yes, Galdor loves a good pipe
Drinks: any alcohol will do
Other drugs:Nope
What does he/she do too much of?: smokes to much
What does he/she do too little of?: Goes to the theatre
Extremely skilled at: Battle tactics, swordsmanship, weapons mastery
Extremely unskilled at: Archery
Nervous tics: Lowd bangs will cause his ears to twitch uncontrollably
Usual body posture: Proud and straight uptight
Mannerisms: Meticulous and a tad OCD
Peculiarities: None really


Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious
Logical or emotional?: Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing?: relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Confident
Animal lover?: yes

How he/she feels about himself/herself: Content and happy
One word the character would use to describe self: Happy
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: My name is Galdor and I would describe myself as a Happy go lucky man with a big heart and a big belly. I strive for the good in the world and my family.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: His ability to see the best in people
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: His commitment to good
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: His strength
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: His size and his speed
How does the character think others perceive him/her: Intimidated by his size but after getting to know him they see him as a happy giant
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: His facial appearance

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: A He likes person, wants to get to know them
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: No
Person character most hates: Vlad he has a score to settle with that one
Best friend(s): Brogan , Elias, Lucius
Love interest(s): None at the moment
Person character goes to for advice: Brogan
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Naela, Lunasa
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Person character openly admires: Naela
Person character secretly admires:
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: His wife
After story starts: Naela

People and such:
Liked and loved
Naela: Loved, she is his daughter @ad245
Lunasa: his granddaughter it's strange how he can care for a child so much
Brogan: an old friend has a great debt to him @BarbarianGaming
Lucius: a good man who helped Galdor out of many sticky situations @Gregor
Elias: his former equal and captain of the guard as well as his friend @223hero7
Wulfe: Galdor finds Wolfe to be an interesting person, he has decided to do his best to help her in honour of her father and her family @Woolsey
Tybalt: former Lord of marr and a young prince, galdor has taken it soon himself to help the lad become a strong man @Tybalt

Queen Sheila: Galdors new queen, loyal to her, and protect her city in honour @bettemus99
Murdoc: To Galdor, Murdoc has always been a bit of a wild card however he respects the earthspawn for his prowess in battle. @Kyle1322
Landir: Galdor likes Landir for what he is be in honesty disagree with some of his views @The Courier
Barthelemy : He will be a good Emperor one day but he has much to learn still. @Megadonkey30
Arthorius: owes a lot to the former Emperor. @Valonyx
Robert senatoor: Galdors nephew, much like his father and galdor will always be proud of him even if the last time they meet they were not the best of friends @ACU20

Vlad: tricky Jishrim worshiper caused a lot of stress for Galdor​
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Lord of Altera
"Lord Galdor has not been seen in weeks, his holdings on west turia sit empty. His armour and his weapons are gone but there has been no break in at the castle. The elf was last seen heading North , to a place he said he knew well, but the mystery remains, where is the King of Breador"

(I've been away for a bit and I'm on holiday now but I should be back soon enough, the people tagged are those who should be involved the most with Galdors return)