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Gaurdman's Appeal (please use a non-biased mod) [Resolved- Ban Upheld]

List of things i saw in the things i can be banned for:

Excessive Swearing
Unconsented PVP
Creating or using a Mob Grinder
Creating or using a Cobble Generators
Using Xray
Using Hacks
Excessive Trolling/Bullying

I'm sorry, but unless I am blind, saying "dayum, hawt" in response to someone blatantly implying sexual activity (both were obvious jokes) is not on that list. not only am I innocent of breaking a server rule, at first I was Perm-banned. now it has been changed to banned until January 1st 2016

In order to avoid this kind of bull I actually went with it. and played their stupid thrashing me for amusement game for a while and left. come back. banned.

I can understand if I had written something actually stalkery or something getting me warned. but this is a logical fallacy.

in response to that not only was I called creepy, but I received a pm from the person in question saying "just because I have lady bits doesn't mean I am going to take your harassment" (and much much more)

Please consider NOT having me banned for the rest of the year, thanks

Quick sidenote:

Denied because this is not an actual appeal and is rather immature in response. Please read over our rules carefully.
Firstly, an appeal is a statement of information in order to have a specific audience make a certain decision. So we have determined that this is, in fact, an appeal. Secondly, Factual information is not "immature" dismissing a valid argument for seeming immaturity however is unprofessional.
Third, I did read the rules, and the other person would be in violation of them too, so they should be banned as well. (unless having lady bits voids rules)
Fourth, if you are biased you should pass an appeal onto another admin rather than denying it due to it, it is your job to moderate NOT to judge someone's character.

thank you for trying to be "mature" but your behavior states otherwise


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I have no bias towards you, as I do not know you. I just know of why you were banned.

Your appeal is an apology to the community, what you posted was not an appeal. It was rather a statement that made it seem you were entitled to come back, which this is not the case.

If you did read the rules as you previously stated, you would have been in violation of the following:

  • Kings Law Rule #1: Discrimination, OOC racism, bullying, harassment are against the rules. Any sign of such behaviour needs to be reported to the Mods or Admins immediately. Bullying in any form is a bannable offense, and it is not tolerated as HollowWorld is intended to be a safe and fun community for everyone.
This rule includes inappropriate conduct which you performed on the forums.

  • Kings Law Rule #20: Citizens are required to protect the harmony of the HollowWorld community and ensure that they contribute positively to it. This means players must behave in a manner befitting an upstanding HollowWorld Citizen and refraining from activities which could be construed as damaging the community by admin staff.

This again is denied, please carefully read over the rules. Thank you, and I apologize for any miscommunication.
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stating that I am "immature" is literally saying "I don't like your attitude" which is *drumroll* A bias! someone get this woman her 1 million dollars

biases do not require the two people to know eachother, somone could have a bias against gamers, or cops. or merely because they disapprove of somehing they did.

what? that from "dayum, hawt"? do you even read what you type? that's like saying whistling at someone on the street is a form of rape. and "inappropriate conduct" wouldn't you say "i can't wait to do all you guys" is in CLEAR violation of that rule, I apologized to her multiple times before and after i received a VERY confrontational PM from her. I made it quite apparent that I was joking in the first place and they knew it. so # 20 was only broken when i posted THIS appeal.

in response to the comment about entitlement I posted the facts in hopes that someone who could understand them would see my post and see what was going on.

with #20 i can't deny that this post was in violation but the last one was in no way destructive or damaging to the community, nor the joke I made, it was factual.


Non sum qualis eram
I know nothing about you, but this behavior is unacceptable and is just skirting an existing forum ban.


Non sum qualis eram
I have now done research on who you are.

Typically, our standards are higher on newer players.

In this case, you failed to actually get accepted on the server multiple times, and then came around our forums with lovely messages, such as,

"I'm not even half as creepy as the rest of the internet. Also, that's just humor, calm yourself."

Based on a scant minute or two of looking things up I would say it is quite evident that you are no longer wanted in the community, as should have been obvious from the forum ban.

Here's your completely unbiased, go away~


Non sum qualis eram
and those scant, two minutes are from me d*cking around while I waited to actually be accepted. so figure that one out
Perhaps, in your future endeavors, when looking to be approved in a community, you should wait patiently and review rules instead of, to quote yourself, 'dick around'.