Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Gerald


Lord of House Hawklight
Played on the Howlers account.

Titles: Bastard
Age: 35
Race: Human, northerner
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Straight
Social Status: Lower-middle class
Profession: Mercenary

Physical Appearance:

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eye Color: Dark brown
Shape of Face: Square, broad features, prominent jaw hidden behind his beard.
Distinguishing Features: His unruly appearance and height.
Build of Body: Broad, well muscled, but certainly not toned, enjoys drink as much as the next man.
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Shaggy, unkempt.
Posture: Stands tall and proud.
Voice: Deep, harsh

Gerald loves to brawl about as much as he enjoys every whorehouse this side of Altera. He's lecherous, unkempt, often drunk when not employed, harsh to newcomers, but a good and loyal friend when it gets down to it.

Likes: Fighting, drinking, whoring, money
Dislikes: Nobles
Strengths: Strong, able fighter, can hold his drink, height and reach, loyal
Weaknesses: Aggressive, does poorly in high company, prefers his fists to words
Fears: Drowning
Values: Camaraderie, friendship, money
Education: Certainly no scholar
Languages: Common
General Attitude: Unpleasant, dark
Religious Inclination: Doesn't care much for the gods, but he'd say Rahas if pressed.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.

This profile is strongly a work in progress, more of an open slate than my other characters, that's why it's so limited.


Lord of Altera
the repeated mention of whooors has made me decide that this char is danny devito