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Finished Gift of Giving || 24th,25th,26th December - Check for times


Events Staff
Very Sweet

An arch of snow and ice has formed upon the docks of the Landing, and the area seems to cover itself in snow and restore the same amounts of it if taken. A shimmering blue haze rests in the archway as a sort of portal to elsewhere. Occasionally, orbs of light blue drift in an out of it.

- - -

I've a lot of items to hand out, and I know that these times aren't ideal for everyone. I'll try to keep this open and hop on for a few hours on each day, maybe including the 26th, and anything left I'll hand out to players when they're about - Don't worry about being unable to make it. Some of you didn't ask for 'items', and I'll work through those over the next few days as well (you've seen a few like Eldpoint snow).

You are free to go in here at any time, but gift giving will only occur generally in the times stated. The location it takes you to is a peaceful one, there should be no violence, no theft, and an attempt at being cordial to those inside (which include not trying to antagonise them).
You are welcome to attend even if you did not ask for a gift - I'll see about giving out little extras here and there too. Happy Holidays!

December 24th - 6PM EST (Or 7PMEST, this one is tentative)
December 25th - 5PM EST (Also ish)
December 26th - 4PM EST (I can do this one)
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Events Staff
Very Sweet
I'll also add here - I've written up 57 Artifacts, and several of you went for wishes that were not items but I'll get to you as well. If I do end up missing one or two of you we can sort that after the majority is done. I did mess up a bit on who they're 'for' IC so some of you might get two items, and I'll just expect you to hand it off as you stated and we'll handwave the artifact rules for a hot minute to let you hand it off IC. When you do, put it on the artifact update thread so I can correct names and so on.


Lord of Altera
I'll also add here - I've written up 57 Artifacts, and several of you went for wishes that were not items but I'll get to you as well. If I do end up missing one or two of you we can sort that after the majority is done. I did mess up a bit on who they're 'for' IC so some of you might get two items, and I'll just expect you to hand it off as you stated and we'll handwave the artifact rules for a hot minute to let you hand it off IC. When you do, put it on the artifact update thread so I can correct names and so on.
FIFTY SEVEN?! Man. We love you. Thank you.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Thanks to Lore for having the final approval on them all on relatively short notice, too. :heart:


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Boo, no-one actually wished for more wishes.
The joking attempt doesn't count.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
+ The portal at spawn has opened, and a place can be discovered IC - It is however limited in one place which will be revealed once the event begins. Remember, there is no theft, no violence, no provoking. +



Events Staff
Very Sweet
I'm not actually certain on when I'll be able to hide from socialising enough to give certain times. I'll try to update this as the days go on to see if I'll be occupied or not, but I've extended to 26th as I do think I'll be better prepared on that one. Sorry, I'm sure the times suck for a lot of you.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
I'll be on at 6:15EST - Sorry for delays.

Those who made wishes will find that they are given the murmur of a direction: Storm's Landing.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Welcome! This is over for the night, but I'll get to work on adding the Artifacts to their respective threads.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Will open this up from now until 5PM EST, and see how it looks from there.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
I will do one final appearance tomorrow at 4PM EST. Any questions asked can be asked here, any gifts can be received here, the cave can be visited, etc. After that it's all gone and I'll just try to put the satchels/items in peoples possessions somehow and I'll close the portal up.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Cancelling this for today. You can visit the cave if you like, still, but Charity won't be making her appearance. I'll sort people getting gifts as I see people online the next few days.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
I hope Charity makes an appearance next year, Even if the gifts aren't as outstanding. Thank you elz for such an awesome holiday setup.