Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Going to Denmark


Lord of Altera
I'm going to Denmark tomorrow for 4 days! And I'm so excited and I must brag since this is my first time out of the country :D I'm staying at some place in Amager or however it's spelled and I have 400 Danish kronurs... Candy time? I heard danish candy tastes good.... I made this thread mainly to brag but also to say...Hah I'm going to Denmark not you >: D


Lord of Altera
Not "kronours"... *sigh* It's kroner! And danish candy is baws :3

Amager? Sweet. How will you handle the languages? Will you speak your language or?


Lord of Altera
I can speak basic danish, English fluently and Icelandic easily. It's Krónurs here in Iceland, didn't know it was Kroners in Denmark.
And I don't know where Bigeasy lives :I