Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Gone again...again, and again.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Ok, good news first! My family has almost finished buying a new house for us in Cali in the Bay Area, YAY! Bad news, it needs a ton of TLC and hard work, and I don't know when my parents are going to be able to reconnect net access to the house soooo....I probably won't be on for another few weeks, and when I do get on it'll be for a short time before I conk out in bed.

So, to Mori, Arcone, Tantara, and escpecially bettemus, I'm sorry, I still can't get onto Minecraft. But hey, at least some of you have forgotten my stupid jokes in all the time Ive been gone, so I can reuse them when I get back on!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Corvus... Just remember... It's not healthy for an Alteran to go without roleplay for to long...

Come back soon!


Roleplay keeper
Please? I love surprises, at least when they're good ones.. Not the ones were you actually are gone for longer...