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[Guardians] In case of emergency.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
(People wonder what Cloud works on sometimes~ Also, this is just further proof I'm still ooc against corruption, and people have requested help on fighting the corruption better~ Furthermore, these are all recorded accounts up until Theodra's summoning, where Cloud was killed and kidnapped. He obviously didn't have time to note things down~)

*A delayed letter sent to Somnastra arrives, detailing that it should only be opened in the case that something has happened to Cloud with the corruption. The envelope is sealed with the guardians seal that Cloud would not have been able to use upon being corrupted, since he does not go to the guild like he used to. Upon opening, it appears to be a brief introduction, with a list of information and dates beside them*

"Dear Somnastra.
If you're reading this then my letter has been sent and something has happened to me. I can't determine what, but it's bad enough that you need my help when I can't give it. Inside this letter are several other pieces of parchment with documented events that will now need to be made public so that everyone stands the best chance of fighting the corruption. Miscommunication will not help in times like these. Tell Amire I still love her, tell Ced that I'm sorry, and hope that I return in one helpful piece soon. Also, once you are done examining what I have included, please send it to Athryl. I understand his Alteran Gazette can spread the news wide enough that the corruption can't stop it just by burning pages.

- Cloud"

(Dates are always fuzzy, so the dates are there, but all you can see ooc is the list xD)

- Pre-return, God's favoured worship for giving them strength
- Champions for God's were chosen and given divine abilities, be cautious of this
- Harateth, although claiming to be all powerful, requires corrupted beings to carry out his work
- Harateth long gone, viable option to destroy him
- After attacks on Harateth, can be seen to be made of light and not flesh. Use of shadows and complete darkness may hinder or kill him
- Shalherana using reason to try to sway Harateth
- Information gained that reverting God's to their previous ideals will slow down the corruption within them. Recommended that people become knowledgeable of the Gods. Example: Harateth is the God of justice, Kilrox the God of bloodshed....
- The corrupted can be killed like they weren't corrupt at all
- The corruption effects the God's in different ways
- Assume all God's are corrupted and dangerous
- Do not summon Shalherana. The other God's like Harateth have proven an interest in trapping her, summoning would be dangerous to civilians and her
- The corrupted need to be removed, and must be approached when they are separated. Attacking together will prove ineffective when they are organised
- The cathedral is off limits.
- Anyone attempting to go to the cathedral must be stopped, punished or convinced otherwise
- The faction leaders, including myself, may be in more danger. Priority needs to be their protection when not fighting the corruption

*after reading this, Somnastra would move to send it to Athryl, before it getting posted in the Alteran Gazette*



The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
*Athryl would have received the letter, and put the details in the Gazette for the next edition coming out tomorrow*