Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Half-Life 2 Roleplay


Dark Council Elite
For anyone that wonders, Oh, what's Arch doing these days? The below two videos will openly show what I do daily in a nutshell. Oh, and I'm on the Civil Protection. So, the officer-dudes if you've never played half life 2 (if you haven't, shame on you!)

A Judgement waiver is essentially a crackdown on the populace due to their Anti-Citizen activity levels (shooting officers with guns, guns are a big no-no.)

Rations are handed out once a day, it's stupidly accurate how precise the video is. EVERYONE, NOMATTER WHO THEY ARE, STOPS WHAT THEY'RE DOING AND RUUUUUUUUNS FOR THE RATION TERMINAL.


Lord of Altera
I played on an HL2 RP server before. Pretty fun while it lasted. It slowly filled up with horrible, rule-breaking roleplayers, sadly... :c