Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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HollowWorld Economy Information



HollowWorld Economy Information

This is a work-in-progress thread intended to teach new players (and those who want to learn more about the economy) about how the economy works. It is meant to provide information in addition to the economy player guide. Please feel free to offer suggestions, feedback, and help updating and maintaining the post. I’m hoping to add pictures, links to relevant threads for more info et cetera. If you have pictures to add or threads to link, please post them and where they should go. I will also be editing the formatting of this post. Please keep in mind that it will eventually be much more visually based. This draft is meant to organize my thoughts and provide structure for how the thread will eventually look. Any help in drafting this post is welcome!


If you’re like me, one of the first questions you asked upon first login after completing the starter quest was, “ How does the Hollowworld economy work?” As a merchant, I repeatedly answer this question and many related for new and old players alike. This thread is designed to answer these questions and serve as an in-depth guide for all.

Ways to Spend Money
Before you select your in-character job, you should first understand where and when you might need to use currency, known as radiants. The most common expense is a trade of 6 emeralds for fast-travel to any of the various cities. Each emerald is worth 20 radiants. You can trade 20 radiants for 1 emerald at any one of the numerous player and admin banks scattered across the land.

You can avoid spending radiants on traveling by utilizing the /home commands (or walking/riding),which have a 10 second countdown and no costs. Once a day, you can also set your destination and port there for free using the /dest commands. If you plan in traveling a lot, one of your first purchases should be the use of multiple homes. There will be more on this topic later.
/dest set <town name>
For a one-time fee of 10 emeralds (maybe six?), players can set their destination to a town.

Then, if you go to a dockmaster, you will see a 4th option, which will be the town name that you selected. You may travel to that city free of future charges.

You can go there as much as you want free of charge. I have not tested changing it twice in on day yet.

Don't forget about the /warp highlight, which will take you to a town. that town can change up to once a month and is set by staff. Don't spend emeralds to go to that town when you can use the highlight command!

The next reason you might find yourself wanting copious amounts of cash would be to turn your character into a noble. This purchase costs you 50,000r (radiants) and gives you fancy new titles to use and allows you to purchase land. After doing some testing, I've found that while it gives you the right to start a region, you may buy plots in a region as long as you are an owner, regardless of your nobility status. Once you Own more than 2 regions on a noble account, you cannot start new regions. Starting a new region is an additional 50,000r for the first chunk and 2,500r for each additional chunk. Think carefully before you start a region; there are already many beautiful and underappreciated places all over the map. It may behoove you to join another’s region and simply enjoy RP. If you are an aspiring landowner, however, there are a few things you need to know…

The first is that there are limitations to where you can start a new town. You must be at least 800 blocks away from all server builds. In addition, you must be a minimum of 100 blocks from another town that you do not own. This requirement goes up for bigger towns. If you are building a town, it’s probably a good idea to ask the town owners around you before you complete your purchase.

Hollowworld does have a creative world, which can be accessed using /warp creative. It is possible to port builds over to the main map, but it costs 64 diamonds per chunk. A diamond is traditionally worth 5-6 emeralds (100-120r), so moving a build costs roughly 6400-7680 radiants per chunk. A chunk is a 16x16 square that extends from the top of the map to the bottom.

Groups of towns have even larger spheres of influence. There are several groupings, traditionally called Houses and sometimes self-proclaimed as Kingdoms, scattered throughout the land. After you are a noble, you may spend an additional 50,000r to start a House. If you start a House, you get to add and remove members as you please, tax your members should you choose, establish a style of government, and potentially enter the strong geo-political realm of roleplay.

Before you start your own kingdom, it is highly recommended that you join another and gain friends and allies, get comfortable with the system, and roleplay.

Ways to Make Money
You should also look into ways to make money. The first and most important way to make money is by voting for the server. There are two tabs on the homepage of the website which will open new pages where you vote. You can vote twice per day, one per site, for 30 emeralds each. That’s a grand total of 1,200r per day. It is possible to vote more than twice if you have access to another external IP address and an alternate username that has been whitelisted. Do not abuse this system, however. In addition, if you vote before you officially join the server, you will not be able to collect your emeralds. Likewise, if you vote while you are in creative, you also will not be able to collect. If you vote while you are not logged into the server, you may use commands to collect your reward. There is also a reward for your 25th vote, which essentially gives you an extra vote worth of emeralds.

Should you choose to only RP and not utilize the noble and house system, voting will provide you with plenty of income. At 1,200 radiants a day, you can earn enough for noble in 42 days.

You can speed up this process by referring people to the server and having them be active for a month without causing any problems. Don’t try to refer one of your alts, however. If you want an alt whitelisted, contact staff. You can publicly or privately roleplay as an alt; just be careful not to metagame.

The Sorrows
If you seek to accumulate more wealth or earn money more quickly, you can do a number of things. To begin, there is a market in the sorrowstown that will buy a stack of cobblestone for 1 emerald. The best way to collect cobblestone is to head to the sorrows, which is a lawless land. You can claim plots there for free (you can claim more plots if you purchase that right at the shophub), and you can mine and collect to your heart’s content. This is a RP map, PvP is on, and mobs are on. Watch out for PvP’ers camping at the spawn point!

Stealing and griefing is allowed in the sorrows, so feel free to rummage around for goodies. Be careful though… if you get caught, things may not end well for you. If another player manages to kill your player, you will drop your inventory.

The sorrows is an excellent place to gather materials to your heart’s content. Be mindful of the server rules, however, for lag-inducing actions are not allowed. It’s not a good idea to build underground or overcrowded farms, large redstone contraptions, or grinders of any kind. It’s also not a good idea to strip the surface materials. Try to keep the sorrows in relatively normal condition.

The sorrows does occasionally get reset. As such, if you plan on building up a base and gathering materials, it’s a good idea to head far away from spawn and use one of your homes.

Be sure to use /enderchest. Everybody has it and it's free. This allows you to open and access your enderchest anywhere just by using the command. If you have valuables on you, keep them in your enderchest!

Keep in mind that the sorrows generally doesn't have an abundance of everything. Usually, a sorrows rendition will have a shortage of something. In the past this has ranged from sand to dark oak to stained clay. If you want to future proof your build projects or make lots of money on shortages in the future, collect lots of everything you can.

Trading With Other Players

Now that you’re considering gathering, it’s time to learn more about trading. At Hollowworld, there exists both OOC (Out-of-Character) and (In-Character) trading. Generally, trading is out of character. There exists a trade channel (/ch t) where you can occasionally advertise your OOC products or services or request to purchase items or services. Don’t be offended if a bunch of people leave the channel after you advertise; they are just roleplaying and don’t want to clutter their screens. Alternatively, you can advertise on the website in the trading forum. You can also use this section to get a decent idea of what things are worth.

You can also buy and sell things through player run chest shops and villager shops. These are scattered across the land, though it is more likely that you will find them in the sorrows spawn or in trade oriented organizations or cities. More often than not, these shops sell to you but do not buy back. Some do, usually for discounted prices. It’s usually a good idea to negotiate for a better price before relying on chestshops. As of right now, there is no central trade location. It’s up to you to find trade partners and build up your wealth, should you so choose!

OOC Market

This next section will provide a rough idea of the value of certain items on the server and whether they are frequently traded. These prices are not definitive. Be on the lookout for later updates. Also, be diligent and pay attention to other deals going on to get a sense for what is worth. Use the following information only to gain a basic understanding of what things are worth relative to each other.

Sand (glass): 128r per stack. This is a rough estimate. Demand is fairly high in Houses that are building. Stained glass sells for more but has less demand.

Wood: 128r per stack of logs. This price fluctuates based on demand. Spruce, oak, and dark oak are in high demand from several of the main traders and Houses. Acacia and birch are not as frequently traded.

Gold Blocks: 10-20r per block. This price again fluctuates a lot. Gold is still not particularly useful, but it is gold. Demand for gold has not been particularly impressive lately.

Iron Blocks: 20-30r per piece. Iron is in more demand than gold. People frequently trade iron in this range.

Lapis Blocks: 5-10r per block. Lapis is going to become a lot more valuable in 1.8, and people are stocking up. Lapis has been selling well and is in high demand. The price of lapis is going up.

Wool: 100r a stack Wool is another basic building component and has a fair demand. Stick to the main colors, almost nobody wants pink wool.

Flowers: People are unusually successful selling rare flowers at surprisingly high prices. I've seen stuff like red tulips go for 20r a piece, which I find to be staggering. Thing is, the rare flowers are hard to get, so go after 'em in the sorrows!

Clay: 1-2r per block. Clay (and derivatives) are hot right now. Many buildings use clay as decorations, and the sorrows are quickly running out. Until the next sorrows reset, clay will only get more rare. Demand is fair and stable, with a dwindling supply.

Leather: 1-5r per piece. Leather prices fluctuate because it is renewable. Demand changes, but you can usually find a buyer at 1r a piece.

Bookshelves: 10r. Almost every town wants libraries, and new towns are popping up all over. It is a renewable resource, but it’s somewhat time consuming to collect bookshelves in large quantity.

Diamonds: 100-150r a piece. Due to high world edit activity, a LOT of diamonds are off the markets. Most of the diamond shops selling for 70-100 are sold out and supply is low. I recommend trying to sell your diamonds for up to 150 each and see how it goes, but don't be afraid to settle in the 100 range. Also, diamonds are a good way to gain money right now because there's still decent demand for them. Diamonds were previously trading as low as 70r, and the price increase should be seen as an improvement.

Redstone: 0r. I’ve not witnessed anybody buy or sell redstone in significant quantitiy. Still, mine it for the levels.

Ice: There is a small market for ice, and packed ice. Prices fluctuate too much for an estimate on value.

Food and Farm Product: These items rarely get traded in trade chats. A stack of beef is as low as 20r. These items do better in chest shops in busy towns.

Potions: Extremely useful, but almost no market. Price depends on the potion but are generally low.

Quartz Blocks: Quartz is in high demand and low supply. This has driven the price to almost 5r per block.

Slime: Slime balls are infrequently sold, but generally sell high. When you need a slime ball, you really need a slime ball. Try selling for 10-20r.

Arrows: 64-100r per stack. This is a fairly standard price with little fluctuation. If you plan on leveling your archery skill, best stock up on arrows.

Tools and armor: Already crafted tools and armor generally don’t sell all that well. People tend to craft their own and are more interested in the components. That being said, be mindful of the salvage and repair mcmmo skill. Thanks to these, your extra gold chestplate is worth /something/.

Fish: Raw Fish sell well, thanks to it being the only way to obtain ink. Yep, there are no squids. Ink also sells well. You may get up to 3r per fish. Of course, demand may drive this up!

Enchanted Gear: Due to new minecraft mechanics, enchanted gear is a lot easier to get. That being said, you can still expect up to 2k for that fortune three diamond pick. I wouldn't put too much money into any enchanted piece that isn't diamond.

Music disks: There are a lot of music disks out there. They are not in high demand. It’s very hard to sell music disks unless you have a complete set. Even then, it’s a novelty. You won’t find a lot of demand and you won’t get more than 100r per disk on a good day.

Black Market

In addition to the normal items, there’s also a “black market” of items that are not available via vanilla. For example, there are things like fire blocks, cocoa blocks, endstone, stone brick monster eggs, player and mob heads, items with higher enchants, et cetera. These items are very rare. Some players disapprove of the existence of such items, so be cautious. You can always turn these items in to staff, but odds are you will find a buyer willing you reward you handsomely for most of these rare items.

Player heads don't drop anymore and could call for up to 1k per head or more, depending on who it is. If it's a name you recognize it might be worth lots.

There's a bit of end stone that's been sold lately, but not a lot of demand. I recommend hoarding them until 1.9 comes out, when endstonebrick is released.

IC Market

Should you choose to conduct business in character, there are a few things you need to know. First, you cannot start your character as a master of a certain trade. You must RP to learn knowledge of topics, research, et cetera. There are several locations that offer classes for various skills. Be sure to read up on lore before you attempt to perform jobs in character. More often than not, your in-character job will not bring you much if any income. An exception would be a tailor who makes in-character clothing. Sometimes, IC and OOC jobs overlap. Continuing the tailor example, one could make skins and RP that the clothing on the skin was made IC.

If you find items IC that you believe should not exist, check with a staff member. Things like steel swords, magic wands, etc probably shouldn’t exist. Likewise, if you don’t know whether you have permission to make an IC item, you don’t have permission to make it.

Here’s a list of potential jobs and businesses. This is not an exhaustive list.

Glass Blower
Interior Designer
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Ermergherd the discounts, i can finally feed my enormous family! *kneels and starts crying of happiness*
Perhaps I should add things like "Ways to Save Money", such as not having enormous families. Kids are expensive. So is college. That is all.


Wait a second - the Salvage ability works? Thought they switched that off a long time ago oO
Yes it does work. Not very well, unless your levels are high. I tried it recently with a golden helm and got 1 piece back.

Edit: confirmed. I placed a gold block and clicked with a gold helm. i got one gold piece back.


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
Suggestion for when you roll this out to a full scale. seting a market buy/sell average for every item would be super duper helpful.


Suggestion for when you roll this out to a full scale. seting a market buy/sell average for every item would be super duper helpful.
An excellent idea. I will likely create periodical reports of trade activity. I'm also considering writing more guides, such as "How To Use MCMMO For Economic Gain"


I updated the thread to change the information listed about the "noble" rank. I originally believed that you had to have the rank in order to buy land. That is not the case. Instead, you must have the rank in order to start a region. You may buy additional chunks regardless of your nobility so long as you are a region owner.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
You can avoid spending radiants on traveling by utilizing the /home commands (or walking/riding),which have a 10 second countdown and no costs. Once a day, you can also set your destination and port there for free using the /dest commands. If you plan in traveling a lot, one of your first purchases should be the use of multiple homes. There will be more on this topic later.
What are the /dest commands? I didn't know this was a thing. I was able to set a destination for 10 emeralds using /destination [Placename] but that's as far as I got. I have it set, but I don't know how to actually port to the destination. Typing in /destination help doesn't work for me and /help doesn't list any commands associated with this. If I can figure it out, it'd be a nice little thing.


What are the /dest commands? I didn't know this was a thing. I was able to set a destination for 10 emeralds using /destination [Placename] but that's as far as I got. I have it set, but I don't know how to actually port to the destination. Typing in /destination help doesn't work for me and /help doesn't list any commands associated with this. If I can figure it out, it'd be a nice little thing.
That might be a mistake. I'll investigate it further.


What are the /dest commands? I didn't know this was a thing. I was able to set a destination for 10 emeralds using /destination [Placename] but that's as far as I got. I have it set, but I don't know how to actually port to the destination. Typing in /destination help doesn't work for me and /help doesn't list any commands associated with this. If I can figure it out, it'd be a nice little thing.
Right, so i tried it out again and found:
/dest set <town name>
For a one-time fee of 10 emeralds (maybe six?), players can set their destination to a town.

Then, if you go to a dockmaster, you will see a 4th option, which will be the town name that you selected. You may travel to that city free of future charges.

You can go there as much as you want free of charge. I have not tested changing it twice in on day yet.

Edit: added findings to main thread.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Right, so i tried it out again and found:
/dest set <town name>
For a one-time fee of 10 emeralds (maybe six?), players can set their destination to a town.

Then, if you go to a dockmaster, you will see a 4th option, which will be the town name that you selected. You may travel to that city free of future charges.

You can go there as much as you want free of charge. I have not tested changing it twice in on day yet.

Ah. I have to go to the Dockmaster. And it's a fee of 10 emeralds. Or it was a when you first posted this and I attempted the whole /dest thing the first time.


Ah. I have to go to the Dockmaster. And it's a fee of 10 emeralds. Or it was a when you first posted this and I attempted the whole /dest thing the first time.
Noted. It's a one off fee, by the way. You only have to pay it when you change it. Basically, it's like a home you have to pay 10 emeralds to change. and you have to go to a dockmaster to use it.

Haven't tried it with the stablemaster yet... but i do think it's odd I have to talk to a horse...


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Oh, I stickied this, because it's really useful information for newcomers wanting to get more info about moneymaking :D


I made some adjustments to base prices of items. Those adjustments were made based on prices of shops and trades I either carried out or witnessed. Most notably....

Gold prices have dropped substantially, as have iron prices. Diamond prices are stable at 80-120 each, but trending lower, meaning it's more common to see sales at 80-90 than at 110-120. Leather is staying put at the lower end of 1-5 per piece. Flowers trended up to 20r per flower.

There's a shortage of apples, with offers as high as 5r per apple.

I've been buying a lot of redstone lately, but it's only use has been to offer to gods. I highly recommend using semi-precious materials as offerings, as it gets those items out of the trade market and may please the gods ;).

Regions are trending toward full value, especially for smaller regions.

Beacons are still very hard to come by, but rumors say we may see a way to make or obtain beacons in the future. On that news, beacon prices are expected to drop. Discussion of beacon prices have highlighted sales between 50-100k with a few outliers.

I also noted a limit to how many regions a noble character may start. This limit should be noticed for players who found regions for others, as you may lose the ability found a region for yourself in the future.
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Retired Staff
Re: Black Market: Staff won't confiscate any unusual items ranging from before rules tightened and things were weird unless they're actually dangerous OOCly, such as silverfish blocks. That's vanilla items only, of course - having a legacy lore item is something you should discuss with the lore team to determine if you can keep it or not. Things like endstone, player heads, etc are fine. Cocoa blocks are a bit of a weird one since they were given out as prizes during Fairgrounds events.

Endstone is fun because all of it is from earlier than mid-2013. It got mined out in huge quantities but the pool has dwindled over time as players forget where they left it, put it in builds that didn't cross over Exoduses, as people got banned or left, and so forth. I'd say there's under 100 stacks left.
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