Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Hollowworld theme music :D


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yeah, don't straight away assume that it'll happen, or that Hollowworld does in fact need some sort of theme music. It's just something I came up with today. What music do you feel Hollowworld should have as its theme song? Make sure it's nothing too well known (yeah, Skyrim and Game of Thrones are out), but something so totally epic you just want to listen again. Make sure it sounds Medieval or Fantasy... or both! :D

My personal win has to be the good old days of Cultures series of games. You probably never heard of it, but the music from Cultures is so totally badass I just want to marry it.

Tell me what you want as theme, and what you think of other ideas! :D


Lord of Altera
Play Chromehounds until 20seconds then play timeshift then after 10seconds on timeshift and then play polos, sounds pretty cool


Lord of Westray
Uplifting, beautiful and epic. Three words I could use to describe this community and these songs! :D

Thomas Bergersen - A Place in Heaven

Thomas Bergersen - Homecoming

- Boulder


Lord of Altera
I was browsing through this, just clicking on all of the videos and listening to the first 45 seconds or so of each, but when I got to "A Place in Heaven" I literally froze at how amazing that was.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I love it, Bould... except it sounds a lot like many different theme songs. Some may consider it a good thing, some a bad thing. I still love it though :D


Lord of Altera
I listened to A Place in Heaven and then went through all my playlists to find a song able to compete with it.

I failed.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I'd say any Skyfall music is a little... too well known. As I said, it should be something you wouldn't have heard of before. Take Yogscast as an instance; their opening theme is from a game, but nobody ever heard of that game :p

I like yours though, Sneaky


Sorrows Warrior
Nah, Place in Heaven is still better. (That song went on my FACEBOOK. There is no higher honour...)
Except Facebook is stupid... so, it's hardly an "honour" :I

And I agree with Polo. "A Place in Heaven" is really good, but it sounds like so many other medieval themes. While the one I posted may also seem a bit that way, I don't think it's as redundant as the other one. Just my personal opinion on it.