Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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HollowWorld Youtube




I'm quite sure most of you forgot about this. Try and work out all the places I recorded. Everyone on this video...jeez- the memories, man, the memories.
When I miss Hollow, I watch this video and I...I guess I think of all the good times.
Your welcome to have this video. Sadly the computer I used it on is now gone, so I don't have the files. But this video means a lot to me.
And if you watch it closely, you'll see that most of the things on it, from Airships, Demons, Daggerfall city, even those cookies.....are now gone.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
ahh! HAHAHA Waker damn! xD that's sooo funny! That's Dargur the evil dwarf with Seth, chalkan moonwalking, AHH and Piratep00f's original skin at the lava xD Darn boy, this needs to be added to the youtube!


Lord of Altera

I'm quite sure most of you forgot about this. Try and work out all the places I recorded. Everyone on this video...jeez- the memories, man, the memories.
When I miss Hollow, I watch this video and I...I guess I think of all the good times.
Your welcome to have this video. Sadly the computer I used it on is now gone, so I don't have the files. But this video means a lot to me.
And if you watch it closely, you'll see that most of the things on it, from Airships, Demons, Daggerfall city, even those cookies.....are now gone.
Chalkan did always remind me of Pitbull..


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I realise realize understand this is probably a "necropost", and for that I deserve the shame of a public beheading (complete with plebians throwing rotten tomatoes at my head), but...

it makes me a bit sad that the youtube channel is quite inactive. I was hoping to see some trailers, rp summaries, machinimas, or even links to other channels that might do the same. I'm also confused with the whole hollow world/altera thing (it actually prevented me from joining until recently, as I was confused about what HW was (and confused about my homework)).

That being said, assuming I stay (strong chance) (sorry, but I love parentheticals, blame law school) I would love to become involved in helping this along. I can stream and record, and I know a fair number of decent sized youtubers. By size, I mean subscription and view count, not physical features. It's hard to get them to an RP server, but since this one is so well established and thought out, I don't think I'd have much trouble bringing a few of them here to make a trailer or a few server spotlight vids.

Yes, I know it's really early for me to be saying things like this, but so far I'm really impressed and ready to begin a new adventure on a thoroughly fleshed out server.
I believe things are coming down the line, and I have a few ideas. So watch for that :)


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I realise realize understand this is probably a "necropost", and for that I deserve the shame of a public beheading (complete with plebians throwing rotten tomatoes at my head), but...

it makes me a bit sad that the youtube channel is quite inactive. I was hoping to see some trailers, rp summaries, machinimas, or even links to other channels that might do the same. I'm also confused with the whole hollow world/altera thing (it actually prevented me from joining until recently, as I was confused about what HW was (and confused about my homework)).

That being said, assuming I stay (strong chance) (sorry, but I love parentheticals, blame law school) I would love to become involved in helping this along. I can stream and record, and I know a fair number of decent sized youtubers. By size, I mean subscription and view count, not physical features. It's hard to get them to an RP server, but since this one is so well established and thought out, I don't think I'd have much trouble bringing a few of them here to make a trailer or a few server spotlight vids.

Yes, I know it's really early for me to be saying things like this, but so far I'm really impressed and ready to begin a new adventure on a thoroughly fleshed out server.
Let's talk~


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
aye, I assumed it would be voice, but it looks like that presumption was premature. What form would you prefer?
My.. Preferred forms would include Skype or forum conversation. Either way, it does not matter to me.