Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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House Variclav Needs You


Lord of Altera
As of now, House Variclav is a one man house. I do not want a one man house so I have devised some characters that will require a good home. Each of these characters will be nobles of the Variclav family and thus will be automatically tied to the kingdom of Abermore. If you would like to play one of them please send me a message.

Here's the link to the House Page:

Diago Variclav - He is the first cousin to Niko Variclav and for most of his life, he has spent it estranged from the family. Independent at heart, he left during his teens, a nobleman with a banner unrecognized. His greatest tool to get by was his unrelenting charisma. A born extrovert, he has spent his early adulthood traveling as a goods peddler, making his living meeting new people and selling his wares. Having heard about the resurgence of House Variclav, curiousity compels him to investigate what little Niko has been up to all this time.

Isabella Variclav - She is Niko's older sister. She received more attention from her parents than did Niko and like his younger brother wanted to see her family be prosperous once again. She had more realistic expectations, so she strove to be a lady in waiting for a higher noble family. She is patient and heeds the customs of nobility which is why it struck her as odd for Niko, the middle child, to take the reins of the House and assume the position of its overlord. She is grateful nonetheless for the hard work and effort that her sibling put in for the sake of the family.


It took a lot to get here
They can come to tea too if they want. Either way it /is/ happening. > : )