Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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How to get on if you've updated to 1.2

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Download Spoutcraft -
Run the file you just downloaded
Click 'Options'
Select 'Manual Build Selection'
Choose a 1.1 build from the menu at the top
Log in to spoutcraft
Click 'yes' to update
Join the server and play
Update regular minecraft, we're running 1.2.3 now :)

Nope, it doesn't affect your regular minecraft.
It runs seperately, so to play 1.1 you can use spout, and to play 1.2 you can just run minecraft as you would normally :)


Loyal Servant of Altera
So what your saying is you won't be able to play your 1.2.3 worlds on this spout thing but you can on regular minecraft??? (I was smart and made a duplicate of 1.1.0 before updating so I can toggle 1.1.0 and 1.2.3 so this isn't really relevant to me... But I think it is a question that will be asked[I also have a 1.0.0 :D]) But I am still curious.

Not looking like it, HawkEye hasn't been updated yet
Shouldn't be too long though


Lord of Altera
I don't want to update to be honest, I hate it when Minecraft changes, it always happens when I have just gotten used to the newest update :(


Lord of Altera
When I try to log in, it says "outdated client"
does that mean the server's outdated, or I'm banned? :confused:
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