Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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How to roleplay plate armour


Lord of Altera

Hello, my name is Gregor, you might remember me from such threads such as "A point on wearing plate armour" and "A point against wearing weapons of war around"

Well, today I am going to talk about how plate armour feels. . . and how to properly roleplay that.

So, we now know that plate armour is pretty damn strong, the fact that crossbows rip through plate is a misconception, and that Knights are scary dudes in general.

Properly roleplaying plate is just knowing its invincible and roleplay maintaining it with oils and stuff right?

And honestly, maintaining your armour and taking care of it is immersive, but the important part is using it in combat, and you need to know how it feels and the implications of wearing it

Lucius owns a set of plate, its easy to move around in, so he moves around it everywhere and generally kicks everyones butt because he has a set, right?


My character gets caught with his pants down, without weapons or armour /all/ the time.
You know why? Because he doesnt expect such conflict to happen, and sometimes just has to hold his hands up and surrender, even though he owns a set of plate.

Now, is Lucius stupid? . . . Maybe, but he doesnt wear armour all the time for a reason.

Not only is it uncomfortable, its heavy, hard to move around in, and pretty damn warm.

B-but Gregor! you said its easy to move around in it!

Lemme get this straight.

Armour, is mobile, armour but not easy to move around in.

Let me quote some science and numbers

"Four male subjects (mean+s.d., height 175+4 cm, mass 79+10 kg, age 36+4 years), experienced in wearing replica armour, were informed about the research, and consented to participate in the experiments. Each subject had a suit of custom-made replica armour typical of the mid- to late- fifteenth century...

The net mass-specific metabolic cost of locomotion (calculated from gross metabolic rate minus resting metabolic rate divided by speed and expressed relative to unloaded body mass; Cmet; J kg−1 m−1) in armour was 2.1–2.3 times higher than unloaded walking, and 1.9 times higher than unloaded running (p = 0.009; figure 2).

The increase in Cmet of armoured locomotion is much greater than the increase in Cmet observed in humans carrying heavy backpacks: e.g. a 70 per cent increase in Cmet occurs during backpack-loaded walking, and a 50 per cent increase in Cmet in backpack-loaded running [3]."

TLDR: Twice the amount of energy needed to move about as without and more energy than the
same weight in a backpack.

So, is everything you said a lie Gregor?
. . . You misunderstood, Armour is less mechanically efficient than a backpack for /moving/ your center of gravity, its far more efficient at /rotating/ your center of gravity however. And combat revolves around rotation of gravity.

What does this mean?
Deploying suits of armour is a pain, but in combat they're very mobile.
My character, when moving around in armour, does it on a horse or on a boat. He doesnt walk, or run because that tires him out.

I'm just saying, if you are already engaged and in combat, its a pretty efficient mechanical system, and I imagine it would not over fatigue fighter trained to move in armor (that would mean using more core rotation and conservative limb movement to generate power efficiently).


Lord of Altera
Alright Gregor, we now know that plate doesnt feel that fantastic to be in, anything else?

Yes, one very very important part about roleplay is visualization, and you /must/ know what your armour and weaponry is.

Often, when I ask people "How long is your sword, or how thick is your armour" or what material is your stuff made out of?
I get these reactions:

"ummm good steel"

"average thickness I guess"

"average sword i suppose"

These answers, they are /bad/
If you wear armour, you must know what parts you have, and what parts you dont have.
I mean, if you say plate, I have no idea if you mean chainmail with steel plates over it, or if you're a medieval gundam suit. And sometimes, I feel like people with such armour would simply materalize their plate over where a blow is hitting. . . so dont do that.

You must know what your armour looks like before you claim you have it. Know its weaknesses and its thickness, be ready to describe your armour at any time. Hell, I have a spreadsheet for my set.
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The Courier

Lord of Altera
Gregor, can I sprint thirty meters and not want to fall over yet still effectively fight with my plate armor on?

Gregor, what's the average thickness you'll see with plate armor.

Gregor, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood, while wearing plate armor?


Lord of Altera
Hey greger, can i climb a 5 meter tall wall with my plate on?
Yes you can; there are medieval wall carpets and drawings in book depicting Knights climbing siege ladders. I'd personally wait until other soldiers open the gates for me though since its less tiresome plus I get to charge in with my horse ;)

These answers, they are /bad/
If you wear armour, you must know what parts you have, and what parts you dont have.
I mean, if you say plate, I have no idea if you mean chainmail with steel plates over it, or if you're a medieval gundam suit. And sometimes, I feel like people with such armour would simply materalize their plate over where a blow is hitting. . . so dont do that.

You must know what your armour looks like before you claim you have it. Know its weaknesses and its thickness, be ready to describe your armour at any time. Hell, I have a spreadsheet for my set.
I usually use a picture of mine and say + a neckguard :p.

Really though if people can't imagine what a full plate armor is its really not the fault of the person wearing it.


On the topic of average thickness:
Thick enough to keep you safe from a long/crossbow if you wear a padded cloth or a leather jerkin.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)

What would y'say people use instead of "Average thickness" or "Average steel"? Perhaps give a list of the actual averages from the era?


Lord of Altera

What would y'say people use instead of "Average thickness" or "Average steel"? Perhaps give a list of the actual averages from the era?

2-3 MM I would say on plate armour, the average steel would be iron instead, untempered and unhardened, and of low quality.