Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Settling in Altera
Name: Huivn
Race:Dark Elf
Height: 6 ft,0 in
Weight: 175 lb
Hair: White, short, frayed
Eyes: Red iris
Skin: Purple
Identifying Marks: A v shaped birthmark on the small of his back, and a small scar over one eye.
Appearance: Rather bulky, otherwise average-looking for a dark elf.
Strengths: Smithing, hitting things, throwing things, wilderness survival, low-light vision (can see well in non-magical darkness).
Weaknesses and fears:Ticklish, bad with a bow, not great at puzzles, is paranoid of the sun,moon and stars, somewhat forgetful.
Religion and cults: He worships no gods or least not yet.
Profession:Blacksmith. Huivn grew up below the bedrock,in the land the overworlders call "The Void". Life was very nice there, beside the odd woman trying to take over the land's matriarchy. Huivn lived with his parents, learning the smithing trade from his mother until he came of age,and was sent out on his own. Huivn decided life in The Void was dull, so he left for the overworld, to the shame of his parents. Huivn lived in the frontier for a time, until he heard of the capitol "Port Silver" and decided to venture out and check it out on his own...This is where Huivn's adventure begins!

Edit 6/16/2012
Soon after arriving at a campsite,he met an orc who informed him that Port Silver had been destroyed. The orc offered to show huivn around the old capital, to which huivn accepted. Our hero was horrified and impressed by the damage Queen Grief had done to the city. Later (after huivn gained some supplies from the auction house) he found his half-brother, Dregon who grew up with his human mother, on the surface. Despite his brother's human lineage,he still retained many skills the drow (void dark elves) have, which proved to be quite an asset to the mercenary group he worked for, who used him as an assassin. Our hero quickly gained respect for his brother,and when offered to join his half-brother's mercenary group, The Emerald Guard, he immediately accepted. Huivn has so far lived a happy and exciting life as a mercenary.