Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I have an accomplice Son

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First off, y u mad tho?
Second of all, I had an accomplice and he isn't banned, it's siriskimic, and I dun care that you know who he is.


siriskimic have break the rules are:

* Griefing Someone's town with lavabucket and fools us "It was matrakka45 who pour lava bucket in my house"

I hawkeye'd it was siriskimic who did it on his own house.

* Swearing.

* Killed matrakka45.

I have talked to matrakka about what you did. Totally unacceptable!!!


<3 Hollow World
I won't have to watch Eastenders tonight now, the drama is all happening right here on Hollow World!



King ForumStalker
Erm, shall we get back to the appeal (if you can call it that) at hand? Or has it been derailed so much its impossible to re-rail it?
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