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Lord of Altera
[sub-title of some kind]

Key Facts
Age: 37.
Gender: Male.
Race: Moor Elf.
Profession: Natural philosopher; applied mathematician: the medievally used titles for a physicist. Consultant and novice alchemist at the Alchemists' Guild.
Alignment: True Neutral.
Lives in: None! :O

Physical Attributes: Has a surprisingly powerful upper body and left arm for using his spear, despite it being rather lightweight. Without this weapon, Idris would be particularly useless in a fight.
Psychological Attributes: Sociopathy, general mental instability. He has a brilliant intellect regarding applied mathematics, is decently knowledgeable of science and has a very good common sense.
Strengths: Unusually extreme intelligence; quick thinking, excellent mathematical skills and manipulativeness. Good user of a spear and player of the violin.
Weaknesses and Fears: Cannot fight particularly well unless he uses the spear. Would rather not be caught for being a heretic. Is very stubborn. Lack of empathy.
Languages: Mok'yra, Common tongue.

Physiology + Armoury
Appearance: Bog-standard (pun intended) Moor Elf - very dark skin and very white short hair. Very attractive, which he may use to his advantage occasionally. As he's never dressed in armour, he shall wear an expensive-looking red or green robe.
Hair: White.
Eyes: Stereotypically dark purple.
Skin: Very dark, almost completely black.
Identifying Marks, Tattoos or Scars: None; one would not be able to tell Idris apart from anyone else. The tattoos on his body are hidden by his clothing.
Weapons and Armour: A Moor-Elven, lightweight spear (almost exact to the scepter spears used by clan Natrizi'ma) is the only weapon he can use well, and although he doesn't particularly enjoy fighting he will use it for self-defense, thus it is taken with him everywhere. He wears no armour, as it slows him down and, quite frankly, is deathly uncomfortable. This is for safety more so than to advertise the will to fight.

Trident - two spikes.jpg

Additional Information
Social Status and Wealth: He thinks of himself to be of much more importance than he is, despite that being fairly high anyway. He has left Zima'Maloj with quite a lot of money.
Religion and Cults: Science. There is evidence of the gods being real, but he has no reason to worship them other than staying out of trouble.
Trivia: Plays the fiddle/violin to help thought and carries it to all places visited. The name "Idris" is derived from Welsh, and means Fiery Lord. If one researched, they would discover small amounts of Idris' philosophical influence.
Inspirations: Myself, aspects amplified; perhaps a little bit of Sherlock.


I went ahead and chose the guide Fitz used for the details because it's so sadly underused. It definitely helps more than one-word subtitles when description is in question. Whether it actually fits with the idea of a character profile I do not know, but it definitely asks the right questions in regards to a template.

Biological/environmental inheritances, psychological and physiological:

Idris has naturally-learnt ideals regarding the hierarchy and class system of Altera, and with many thoughts of self-importance he has put himself at the top of said groupings. His parents are of the upper caste, although his father is not the Tel'Viscount, and are part of a thriving clan within a swamp. Idris has left this swamp in search for better study; books, more space to work, and easier access to needed tools. In appearance he is very common and discerning him from many other Moor Elves would be difficult. The tattoos upon his body are hidden by the robes he wear which are, once again, nothing overly special or rare. Idris did not inherit the common Moor Elves' accent as he believes it makes them sound lower-class; instead he uses a perfect English voice with slightly lower-pitched vowels.

Parental feelings and opinions:

Both parents would probably not be very happy with him leaving, although he is not their only or first child. He is one of three and has a brother and a sister. He is a pureblood, although he doesn't behave like it. They may be fairly glad that they don't have to present their second son to other families, but they would have preferred he simply followed their traditions and acted as if he were a normal Moor Elf. His great great three-times-removed uncle was some crazy old priest who ended up kidnapping children and terrorizing young ladies ( @Faelin ) in the Name of Harateth, and he hopes he won't end up the same way as he did.

Styling of abode:

Where he once lived, his room had no windows and was lit by a single candle. Across the walls were hundreds of diagrams and equations hastily drawn or scribbled were stuck inelegantly. That is almost all that filled his living quarters: paper and charcoal. His desk is cluttered; textbooks with pages ripped from them, notes and diagrams.

Beliefs, philosophical:

Frankly, Idris couldn't care less about the gods. They have very little impact upon Altera, so worshipping them is as useless as studying dirt for a cure to leprosy. If fact, he payed so little attention to them that he didn't even know which god his parents worshipped. Idris knows that science holds the answer to everything, and to find the answer one must search instead of pray.

Personality flaws:

I'd be surprised if anyone liked any part of his personality, to be honest. He has a slight quirkiness, only noticeable if one spent enough time in his company. Idris is manipulative, uncaring and sarcastic; and is stubborn beyond measure. He is reclusive and really only cares for his study. That may be changed if put into a different environment, although he doubts moving out of his old home will change much.

Beliefs, socio-hierarchical:

Because he sees himself as someone of a high rank, he would often see himself as above the law. Idris thinks that the more power a house or clan has, the more prominent all forms of combat within such a house are, thus chances of him coming into a violent situation are higher. He will be more wary around the peoples of these houses, and takes more of a dislike to their power as it opposes the ease of illegal operation in chaotic countries. Laws are more definitely enforced, therefore some activities he partakes in must be kept quieter or stopped altogether. For these reasons, Idris would rather there not be a king, queen, or powerful figure/group.

Beliefs, social; specifically regarding friendships:

Friends? Pah. Idris will never truly have a friend, he thinks. Contacts, perhaps, although these would only be for mutual benefit. Idris does not do things with people unless they are productive.

Pastime use:

He always has some sort of commitment, whether he wants to do them or not depends on his mood. If he isn't studying something, he will be playing the fiddle or revising a theory in written Mok'yra.


Since childhood, Idris has had few interests. He judged the things he needed to learn, then his main point of study, followed by his hobby. He had kept a schedule since he was 15 to the age of 30, and since then he has become fairly knowledgeable of these three skills: self-defense (spear) , science (mathematics, a little biology more recently) , violin playing (hobby) . These are the only three things Idris does, anything else is purely to satisfy the needs of development posed by aforementioned skills. He almost abandoned the schedule several years ago because he felt rather bored of it and has since been traveling the lesser-known regions of Altera in search of something to do, which has been mainly studying biology after cutting out about half physics from his schedule.

Morals, limits:

Do nothing unless it brings some form of benefit. Short-term benefits are good, long-term can be arranged later. Idris has not killed any human out of spite or anger, although he sees nothing wrong with it for science: which he has done so once or twice.

Thoughts on normality:

Idris sees these neurotypical folk as simplistic and not worth his time. Most of their cultural doings aren't worth theirs either, although they fail to see that. He does not care about mainstream culture or its followers at all.


That is something I would definitely not share with gentlemen and female gentlemen reading this. To get what he wants, Idris may instead show an interest in someone else's fears, but his will not be easily revealed by himself or myself.

Sentimentally important objects:

His mind would come at the top of his short list of sacred things. Paper and charcoal can be bought, and most things he's discovered for himself he has learnt and thus no longer needs papers and pieces of writing for: he would still be annoyed if it was lost, however. It is difficult for one to come across a fiddle/violin, so he'd rather not lose that - the same can be said for his spear.

Past and present goals:

As a child, Idris did rather a lot of reading. It was almost all he did until he was about fifteen when he realised he needed to take care of himself. The majority of the books he read were fact as opposed to fiction, purely because fiction is not real. What use is information of something that is not real? Thus Idris had begun studying science and applied mathematics at an early age. Idris will not reveal his goals and appears to live for the present. So, basically, [redacted] . Being infinitely rich or the king would be nice, however.


Appearance is not really important unless he is required to make a specific impression. Most all of the time, he shall wear either a red or green robe. More recently he has decided that he is more approachable without weaponry blatant to all, but still carries his spear as being approachable isn't important. In the past he has worn different outfits to fit in with groups of Moor Elves because he isn't easily perceptible.

Updated! 6/10/14
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
[sub-title of some kind]

Key Facts
Age: 32.
Gender: Male.
Race: Moor Elf.
Profession: Natural philosopher; applied mathematician: the medievally used titles for a physicist. Consultant and novice alchemist at the Alchemists' Guild.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Lives in: Has left Zima'Maloj to find more books in Port Silver; but has since chosen the tranquility of Eresse. He may soon take up residency in the Alchemists' Guild's dormitory, once it is completed.

Physical Attributes: Has a surprisingly powerful upper body and left arm for using his spear, despite it being rather lightweight. Without this weapon, Idris would be particularly useless in a fight.
Psychological Attributes: Sociopathy, general mental instability. He has a brilliant intellect regarding applied mathematics, is decently knowledgeable of science and has a very good common sense.
Strengths: Unusually extreme intelligence; quick thinking, excellent mathematical skills and manipulativeness. Good user of a spear and player of the violin.
Weaknesses and Fears: Cannot fight particularly well unless he uses the spear. Would rather not be caught for being a heretic. Is very stubborn. Lack of empathy.
Languages: Mok'yra, Common tongue.

Physiology + Armoury
Appearance: Bog-standard (pun intended) Moor Elf - very dark skin and very white short hair. Very attractive, which he may use to his advantage occasionally. As he's never dressed in armour, he shall wear an expensive-looking red or green robe.
Hair: White.
Eyes: Stereotypically dark purple.
Skin: Very dark, almost completely black.
Identifying Marks, Tattoos or Scars: None; one would not be able to tell Idris apart from anyone else. The tattoos on his body are hidden by his clothing.
Weapons and Armour: A Moor-Elven, lightweight spear (almost exact to the scepter spears used by clan Natrizi'ma) is the only weapon he can use well, and although he doesn't particularly enjoy fighting he will use it for self-defense, thus it is taken with him everywhere. He wears no armour, as it slows him down and, quite frankly, is deathly uncomfortable. This is for safety more so than to advertise the will to fight.

Additional Information
Social Status and Wealth: He thinks of himself to be of much more importance than he is, despite that being fairly high anyway. He has left Zima'Maloj with quite a lot of money.
Religion and Cults: Science. There is evidence of the gods being real, but he has no reason to worship them other than staying out of trouble.
Trivia: Plays the fiddle/violin to help thought and carries it to all places visited. The name "Idris" is derived from Welsh, and means Fiery Lord. If one researched, they would discover small amounts of Idris' philosophical influence.
Inspirations: Myself, aspects amplified; perhaps a little bit of Sherlock.

I went ahead and chose the guide Fitz used for the details because it's so sadly underused. There's a lot of text there that's not my own, but it definitely helps more than one word when description is in question. Whether it actually fits with the idea of a character profile I do not know, but it definitely asks the right questions in regards to a template.
We are shaped by our heritage. Facial features, skin tone, height, build, race, even aptitudes are influenced by the genes passed from parent to child. Attitude, too, is taught by parents, informed by their own lives and their cultural heritage. Where does your character come from, what is his lineage, who were his parents, and what did he inherit from them?

Idris has naturally-learnt ideals regarding the hierarchy and class system of Altera, and with many thoughts of self-importance he has put himself at the top of said groupings. His parents are of the upper caste, although his father is not the Tel'Viscount, and are part of a thriving clan within a swamp. Idris has left this swamp in search for better study; books, more space to work, and easier access to needed tools. In appearance he is very common and discerning him from many other Moor Elves would be difficult. The tattoos upon his body are hidden by the robes he wear which are, once again, nothing overly special or rare. Idris did not inherit the common Moor Elves' accent as he believes it makes them sound lower-class; instead he uses a perfect English voice with slightly lower-pitched vowels.

Parents can be proud of their children or regret ever bringing them into the world. Some are loving, and some are indifferent. All of them are only metahuman and have their own opinions of their children. Assuming they could speak, what would each of your character’s parents say about him?

Both parents would probably not be very happy with him leaving, although he is not their only or first child. He is one of three and has a brother and a sister. He is a pureblood, although he doesn't behave like it. They may be fairly glad that they don't have to present their second son to other families, but they would have preferred he simply followed their traditions and acted as if he were a normal Moor Elf. His great great three-times-removed uncle was some crazy old priest who ended up kidnapping children and terrorizing young ladies ( @Faelin ) in the Name of Harateth, and he hopes he won't end up the same way as he did.

People have control over their own living arrangements. From the child young enough to use crayons and tape all the way up to the elderly shut-in who plasters her walls with family photos and cat pictures, everyone makes their living spaces more personally pleasing. What is your character’s living space like, and what has he added or changed to make it his own?

Where he once lived, his room had no windows and was lit by a single candle. Across the walls were hundreds of diagrams and equations hastily drawn or scribbled were stuck inelegantly. That is almost all that filled his living quarters: paper and charcoal. His desk is cluttered; textbooks with pages ripped from them, pages ripped from textbooks, notes and diagrams.

Everyone has beliefs, and many have beliefs strong enough to be convictions. Some are religious, some are political, some are social, and some are just about why people are here. What does your character believe in, what are his convictions (if any), and why does he hold them?

Frankly, Idris couldn't care less about the gods. They have very little impact upon Altera, so worshipping them is as useless as studying dirt for a cure to leprosy. If fact, he payed so little attention to them that he didn't even know which god his parents worshipped. Idris knows that science holds the answer to everything, and to find the answer one must search instead of pray.

Everyone has aspects of their personality that grate on someone. Even the best of friends annoy one another from time to time. The flaws in a person’s character are as important as the qualities. What do you dislike most about your character’s personality?

I'd be surprised if anyone liked any part of his personality, to be honest. He has a slight quirkiness, only noticeable if one spent enough time in his company. Idris is manipulative, uncaring and sarcastic; and is stubborn beyond measure. He is reclusive and really only cares for his study. That may be changed if put into a different environment, although he doubts moving out of his old home will change much.

HollowWorld is considered by many to be spinning out of control. If anyone could exert control over it, it would be the Kings and Queens. These almost god like mortals(?) exert a lot of influence on everyday life in the realm. Which of the Kings does your character hold in the highest regard, which does he like the least, and why (Make this an RP decision, not a "Steel banned me once for spamming so I like Squee more" or some other BS)?

Being as this bit is slightly outdated, I shall instead explain Idris' political views. Because he sees himself as someone of a high rank, he would often see himself as above the law. Idris thinks that the more power a house or clan has, the more prominent all forms of combat are, thus chances of him coming into a violent situation are higher. Thus, he must take his spear with him more often. Laws are more definitely enforced, therefore some activities he partakes in must be kept quieter or stopped altogether. For these reasons, Idris would rather there not be a king or queen.

People make acquaintances and friends; we’re hardwired for it. Humans are social animals. This is especially true in Hollow World, where often it is not the power you have, but the power you can borrow, and not who you, are but who you know. There’s a story behind each and every one of these relationships. What is the story with your character and his contacts?

Friends? Pah. Idris will never truly have a friend, he thinks. Contacts, perhaps, although these would only be for mutual benefit. Idris does not do things with people unless they are productive.

It’s Sunday morning, and your character has no commitments until tomorrow afternoon. What does he do for the day?

He always has some sort of commitment, whether he wants to do them or not depends on his mood. If he isn't studying something, he will be playing the fiddle or revising a theory in written Mok'yra.

Your character has a specific skill set, a list of active skills and knowledge that define what he knows and his areas of expertise. How did he come to learn those skills, and how did he develop them to those levels?

Since childhood, Idris has had few interests. He judged the things he needed to learn, then his main point of study, followed by his hobby. He had kept a schedule since he was 15 to the age of 30, and since then he has become fairly knowledgeable of these three skills: self-defense (spear) , science (physics) , fiddle/violin playing (hobby) . These are the only three things Idris does, anything else is purely to satisfy the needs of development posed by aforementioned skills. He abandoned the schedule two years ago because he felt rather bored of it.

Everyone has their limits. People can be dark, but most people’s instinct is to draw the line at certain actions and thoughts, and they keep to their own moral convictions. Is there a moral limit that your character enforces on the jobs/adventures he takes, and in what work would he refuse to engage?

Do nothing unless it brings some form of benefit. Short-term benefits are good, long-term can be arranged later. Idris has not killed, although he sees no reason not to if it must happen

Life as an adventurer is by definition outside the bounds of “normal” life. Adventurers do not truly fit into the lives of ordinary people, whether they live in slums or mansions. What does your character think of ordinary life, mainstream culture, and those who abide by it?

Idris sees these neurotypical folk as simplistic and not worth his time. Most of their cultural doings aren't worth theirs either, although they fail to see that. He does not care about mainstream culture or its followers at all.

Everyone has nightmares. Sometimes, we forget the dream completely on waking. Sometimes, the nightmare haunts us or even recurs. If your character had a lingering nightmare or a deep-rooted fear, what would it be, and why does he find it so terrifying?

That is something I would definitely not share with gentlemen and female gentlemen reading this. To get what he wants, Idris may instead show an interest in someone else's fears, but his will not be easily revealed by himself or myself - they're [redacted] .

People tend to attach sentimental value to items in their possession or people they are close to. They make an effort to keep these close by and safe. What is your character’s “sacred object” or “close one,” and how did they come to be so important to him?

His mind would come at the top of his short list of sacred things. Paper and charcoal can be bought, and most things he's discovered for himself he has learnt and thus no longer needs papers and pieces of writing for: he would still be annoyed if it was lost, however. It is difficult for one to come across a fiddle/violin, so he'd rather not lose that - the same can be said for his spear.

One of humanity’s greatest assets is its ability to look toward the future and imagine a better life. Even small children have dreams about what they want to be when they grow up. What did your character want to become when he was a child, and what are his goals now?

As a child, Idris did rather a lot of reading. It was almost all he did until he was about fifteen when he realised he needed to take care of himself. The majority of the books he read were fact as opposed to fiction, purely because fiction is not real. What use is information of something that is not real? Thus Idris had begun studying science and applied mathematics at an early age. Idris will not reveal his goals and appears to live for the present. So, basically, [redacted] . Being infinitely rich or the king would be nice, however.

A person’s appearance can say volumes about him. From fashion sense, to the colors he prefers, to the way he walks and speaks. Sometimes, his personality determines his appearance, and, sometimes, the appearance he chooses to present the world effects his personality. What does your character look like, and what inspired his choices?

Appearance is not really important unless he is required to make a specific impression. Most all of the time, he shall wear either a red or green robe. More recently he has decided that he is more approachable without weaponry blatant to all, but still carries his spear as being approachable isn't important. In the past he has worn different outfits to fit in with groups of Moor Elves because he isn't easily perceptible.

Relations to others:
None as of yet.

Hah, I say it as if he's going to have any.

Okay, here are the ones he pretends to have:
@Somnastra - neighbour, no-one to be wary of and rather good-looking.
@mucusBONES (Rainideers) - Brought me to Eresse, easy to flirt with. Seems rather gullible.
@IceandFire (Athryl) - In charge of the Alchemists' Guild; useful.
Him!!!! I knew I remember you from somewhere!!!!


Lord of Altera
As much as I am proud of my beautiful layout, I have a feeling I'll be dropping this character. Not sure as of yet, as I have two accounts and three potential characters. The only problem is that he's been kept inactive for such a long time and I've no real explanation for it. :/