Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Ignis] Josiah Meadows


Loyal Servant of Altera
"May the Phoenix come, with Dawn on her wings"
IGN || poke9dude
Character || Josiah Meadow
Patron || Ignis Synnove
Tier || Unblessed
Status || Devoted, Researching, Seeking the Truth of Fire

Cults || The Underforge, The Order of the Exalted Flame
Cult Mantle
The slightest intent breath of a cult member upon a forge's coals will stir it as a bellows would. Cult members tend to take on dwarven features, such as a stockier frame or fuller beard, and members that are dwarves find their own tastefully accentuated.
They cannot be blinded by any light, and do not overheat in the more extreme environments, such as the Nether or the Southern Deserts even if they still get hot.

Cult Passives
Their voice becomes more metallic in tone, and louder, more bold.
Clapping their hands or hitting a surface sounds like something metal hitting the surface.


9/21/2023 Josiah traveled with his sister Faith to Evenfall Academy to seek lore and research their divines. Josiah learned about Harateth, the rebirth of Ignis, the lives of several Saints, and the destruction of the godblades.
9/29/2023 Josiah "began" the Order of the Exalted Flame, though a cult with one member is only an unusual habit.
10/3/2023 Josiah (Under the hagionym Phaeton) finished his short book of esoteric speculation, Firebird Philosophies.​
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