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Finished [Ignis] Lessons through Parables


Lord of Altera
1601425068275.pngLessons through Parables1601425068275.png

A series of Parables written and taught by Thure von Hardanger
Part 1: The Spiteful man

Thure von Hardanger has called for yet another sermon to his house, to help drive them towards the ways of the light. But this time, having been appointed as a Bishop for the Church of Ignis in the Katlic Empire, he has sent out invitations to people within it. Although it remains open to all members of the Empire, or Synnove's light.

Date: Thursday, October 15th (can be Changed if its better for those invited
Time: 6:00 PM EST (Also can be changed)
What? A Sermon for Ignis by Thure von Hardanger
Where? Hardanger Estate
Public/Private?: Private
Rating: Peaceful
Have you spoken with the town/region owners and are they aware of the risks to their region involved?: Yeah, Ill have to ask that Kaiser_harding guy. Idk he might say no.

blargtheawesome Elz sneff24 JustTheEngineer BoredBrit Luam Sekci JamesTruwood Redy Morbid Jase Sir Arc Kata
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