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In Altera there are people...


The Arbiter of the Gods
... and there are boomerangs.

People are people. They either have done nothing wrong and shouldn't be bothered with, or they have done something wrong, but were forgiven and let out.

Then there are boomerangs. Quite literally, you throw them as hard as you can, and they come back. I don't mean heretics or Darkbloods or whatnot now... They are enemies at all times, so they can't care less if they come back to attack Inquisitors again.
But except that there are people who just want to mess around. We hurt them, badly, and they return couple of days later hating us more and clearly asking for some more.

Now think of it that way. This guy just pulled your eye out and let you live despite the fact he didn't have to. Instead of coming back to him trying to kill him, most of the times you'd be too scared to even go within twenty metres of where he was half an hour ago.

And this doesn't just apply for the Inquisition. I say Inquisition because I know I have experience with that. However, it also applies for law enforcement such as PS guard. They ask for respect nicely, but I, who also runs an organisation, knows that they're basically asking for you to stop and think "Would I really do this again after being, first, nicely stopped, then, stopped a little more violently?"

The Office is, I'd like to think, quite a powerful organisation. It certainly doesn't joke about things. When we say "We'll torture you", most of the times we will.

You're wondering why I'd rather kill your RP char then let him out? Because I know that quite a lot of you will come back five days later and mess around again. This is what a boomerang is...


Loyal Servant of Altera
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
- Albert Einstein


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Psssh. Darkblood Heretic. Don't attack the Inquisition for the fun of it, fools. They'll kill you. But I think it's part of who I am to attack the Inquisition at proper times, so yeaaaaah.



Lord of Altera
Polo, this post made my day, I agree with you on a serious note...but I also found the metaphor funny...Kangaroo Inquisitors having boomerangs recurringly whacking against their stomachs... :3


The Arbiter of the Gods
As a matter of fact I'd expect a heretic to do quite the opposite of boomeranging, (which apparently is an actual word too... Learn new things every day :D)
I'd expect them to avoid the Inquisition at all costs and trying to be very subtle, or even pretend to be a saint.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
As a matter of fact I'd expect a heretic to do quite the opposite of boomeranging, (which apparently is an actual word too... Learn new things every day :D)
I'd expect them to avoid the Inquisition at all costs and trying to be very subtle, or even pretend to be a saint.
Which I do when in disguise, but when the darkblood is going, he'll forget about the whole danger of being killed thing :p



Retired Staff
How would the Inquisition treat my character? He looks similar to a demon, exhales smoke, has glowing eyes, and is absolutely stark raving mad.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well, if he was to appear to look like a demon we'd try to take him for questioning... Try is the right term to use in case of proper demons.

When we accuse someone, we really are pretty thorough about checking whether our accusations are correct.


Retired Staff
Good luck getting any information out of him. He's rather detached from reality and scared of just about everything.