Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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In need of a evil thing. Willing to fight against many, hate me, and give a good dramatic ending.

Tom Moni

Loyal Servant of Altera
My name is TWS1, but my roleplay character can't remember his name. Thats because you (Evil creature/person/demon) hit me over the head, robbed me, and made me lose my memory. I need someone who is willing to kill many, and not die a lot. Who is going to give a horriblly thrilling story of this unknown man, and the Demon (Or evil person/ creature) who wants him dead (Don't really kill me, it kills the mood when I come back from the dead). Something in that story could relate to the only thing I remember, that I have a daughter named Julia (ie. Evil thing: You don't understand, you won't see Julia again.
Me: Why?
Evil thing: Because I killed her!
Me: Noooooooo!!!

If you want to apply, comment and I'll PM you to meet me at Port Silver.

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
You just made my day! My RP character, is not making the cut as he is, maybe, I could arrange for him to turn evil, and transform into something malevolent. Yes, that's it! I will be your evil nemesis!
