Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Island City] Salts Ridge{Violent}


Lord of Altera
Settlement Name:Salts Ridge
Mayor: -
10463 Y: 114 Z: 3748
Population: -
Daily Tax Rate: -
Description / Introduction: Salts Ridge, a destroyed, abandoned city. Now inhabited by a few thieves and bandits
Screenshots: -
Residents: -
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... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... So I'm going to bump this slightly. Ddaug's got a bit of an IG absence atm due to IRL things, any questions or the like can go to me about the house and the town.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Disaster has struck!

During the thunderstorm of last month, the all but abandoned city was struck by numerous lightning bolts and many buildings caught fire.
The few startled citizens awoke to an inferno, many were trapped inside their own houses!

2014-05-20_22.39.01.jpg 2014-05-20_22.40.37.jpg 2014-05-20_22.38.48.jpg

There was no stopping the blaze, even though they tried...




It was a horrible experience to see their beloved city burn down to the ground...


(The pictures above are illustrations made by the scribe of Aeyeras as told by the surviving citizens...)


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
We have found a new governor for it who will be developing it with us from scratch.

We are manually taking it down and all it's materials will be used for the new buildings.
Giving it a pretty death was the least I could do for you... :)