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JakeDology's Ban Appeal [resolved - Unbanned]

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Lord of Altera
-If this is being posted in the wrong place, my apologies, it has been a long while and things have changed, wasn't quite sure where to post this.-

If you do recall me, I was a semi-active player on this server for a while. I enjoyed every moment on this server, and everything that came with those moments. This server was the sole reason for my playing of Minecraft entirely. I found everything to be great on this server, from the Moderators and Administrators to the new players and the chances they had to become great roleplayers. I enjoyed everything the server had to offer, and I completely blew everything that I had earned on the server.

I had been gone from the server for a few months due to personal reasons, and upon returning, found that the town that I resided in in-character had been deserted, and upon realizing this, took an inexcusable amount of valuables from the town, which had been fairly earned by the towns owner and residents. I did this a several times, and eventually was discovered by Boulderpaul. There was no malice in his persecution, and I respect him for the maturity that he handled the situation with, a level that at, at the time, I was incapable of matching. I was banned, but given a chance to return the stolen goods, and the case would be done. I however, had already sold much of what I had, and found myself unable to return the items that were taken.

At this time, I realized the helplessness of my situation, which, if I had worked harder, may have not been helpless at all, and took to X-raying, and used this to find diamonds and iron to return to the player/players I had taken from. Once again, I was discovered and banned from the server. I was completely ashamed of myself. I was a given a second chance to right my wrongs, and I had botched it up. Many items that I had taken were stored and ready for returning, but the things that were the hardest earned were not returned. I had tried to handle and solve the situation with maturity, but I instead looked for an easy way out, and in the end, stabbed the administrators that trusted I would do the right thing in the back.

Now, It has been 5-6 months since I was banned. I have realized the actions the I took are unacceptable, and if I am not allowed back onto the server, I comprehend that the actions I took are a reason to see me as a threat and detriment to the server itself. But- If for whatever reason, you let me back onto the server, you will find, under no matter how much scrutiny and security you hold me by, a more mature and aware player for the actions that he partook in, and one who cares to help others enjoy the game as much as he had in the past. I guarantee that you won't find me guilty of any atrocities committed by players, and I promise that I will do my best to stay off of the path that I have laid with my past actions on Hollowworld.


Lord of Altera
Well! I know both of those offenses are very serious, However, you did wait a very long time to appeal again and it would be silly to keep someone banned forever for actions in a game. I know this is a community and we take these things seriously because it could mess up the ingame roleplay or ooc things, but as I said several times before- I'm not a big fan of grudges. I think everyone deserves a chance to make up for mistakes as long as they're willing to admit they made one.

Now, I'm not sure what things you had on you, but I've deleted your .dat file so you won't have anything when you spawn in. I hope this is understandable as I think it's best you have a fresh start.


Lord of Altera
I completely understand- and thanks for the second chance. I don't plan on letting any of y'all down.
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