Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Jakos Saandor


Loyal Servant of Altera
Jakos Saandor-
Name: Jakos Ardeld Saandor
Full Titles: First Mate
Nickname/Alias: Jay, Jack

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status:
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 198 lbs.
Date of Birth: 12th of Snowdown
Date of Death: N/A
Homeland: Altera
Current Home: N/A

Build: Muscular
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Dark Brown
Skin: Tanned
Identifying Marks: An anchor tattoo on his right shoulder.
Appearance: Tall and strong!
Clothing: A blue bandana, a white shirt with blue stripes (the sleeves have been ripped off), and boots.
Weaponry: A cutlass.
Prized Possessions: His bandana!
Hygiene: He smells of sea-salt.
Voice: Deep and jolly.

Strengths: Bold, strong.
Fears: Cats, magic, The Gods.
Weaknesses: Slow, foolhardy, arrogant.
Intelligence: He can read, but cannot write.
Languages: Able to read Horgaahn, can speak and read Common
Profession: Currently an unemployed ex-sailor.

Personality: He is best described as a Jolly Sailor Bold. When it comes to sailing, he fears nothing; he was born on the sea, and if the gods will it he will die on the sea. He tries to remain jovial at all times, recognizing that death may come at any time, and being melancholy is a waste. He does feel anger.

And he is angry.

Religion or Cults: If he had to choose a divine, it would probably be Jax.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Short Term Goals: Find a home, find a job.
Long Term Goals: Start a woodworking business, start a family, accumulate wealth.


Place: The Sea
Pastime: Sailing
Food: Fish
Drink: Ale
Colour: Blue
Animal: Fish

Least Favourite...
Place: Crypts and caves.
Pastime: Art (Drawing, Painting, etc.)
Food: Apples
Drink: Wine
Colour: Black
Animal: Cats

Unsure of:
Wary of:
Afraid of:


Younger Years:

“Eh, I suppose I had a fairly good youth. Parents loved me, supported me, tried to teach me...I could never get the hang a’ writin’. My hands were designed fer somethin’ stronger than a feather and ink. I prefer t’ work with a hammer, or a sword. That’s about it for my childhood. Nothing too remarkable. When I turned fifteen, I got my first job on board The Slippery Vixen, named after th’ captain’s ex-wife. Speakin’ a’ th’ captain, he was a great man. Very respectable and honorable, though most dwarves are. Roddy Vongrim...I remember th’ day he introduced himself t’ me. M’ father was an old friend a' his. His ship was th’ one I was born on, and when I got old enough they figured I would make a fine sailor, which I did! Ha! Oh gods, and his was somethin’ like I had ne’er seen before. It was beautiful, it was. Dwarf craftsmanship truly is a sight to behold. Anyways, Roddy’s family were all woodworkers, and this was their merchant ship. Apparently they had been gettin’ attacked on th’ seas more often, so he was in town to find some more crew, and it was time t’ call in my father’s favor. At first mum didn’ want me to t’ go, but after talkin’ about it we figured it was for th’ best. That’s about it for my childhood, I guess. Nothin’ horrible or anythin’ like that.”


“Again, nothin’ too interestin’. I was a fairly regular sailor. Spent most a’ my days doin’ menial work. Roddy taught me how t’ read dwarvish. He had a lot a’ books written by dwarves. Mostly ‘bout crafting or Korog. Sometimes me and th’ boys would gamble with our cards or dice. Th’ Vixen doesn’t see much use now...Roddy settled down and th’ other boys all went their own separate ways. I s’pose it’s ‘bout time for me t’ find somethin’ new to do...I’ve always wondered ‘bout woodworking. Maybe not anythin’ too fancy, but Roddy taught me the basics. Lotta days, just out at sea, we figured that it would be somethin’ interestin’ for me t’ do. Findin’ another boat t’ serve on would be nice too. I really just don’t know what t’ do. I’ve spent more of my life on a ship than on land...I just don’t know. It’d be nice to settle down like Roddy did, now that I’m thinkin’ ‘bout it. Hahaha, like I said- I have no idea what lies next.”

My in-game name is: _Jaylor_
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