Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Java error

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Zalenfal Guardian
For those of you receiving the error:
Connection Lost
Internal Exception: Connection Reset
this will be because you updated to Minecraft version 1.2 that was released earlier today.
As this thread says, the server has not been updated to 1.2 yet - therefore only those with Minecraft version 1.1 will be able to connect.
Sorry, but you'll have to wait (unless you have a backup 1.1 somewhere)


Zalenfal Guardian
As soon as the server is updated to 1.2, which unfortunately may not be very soon. Bukkit must be updated to 1.2 as well - for 1.1 it took a week for that to happen.


Zalenfal Guardian
I'd estimate around a week, seeing as that's how long 1.1 took - however I cannot know for sure, and for all I know it'll be done two minutes from now, or two months from now (it won't be two months, though :p)
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