Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kai. the misunderstood


I think I might like it here
I like it I'll have to start up my journal of Kail's adventures in Altera soon otherwise I might lose some along the way.


Legend of Altera
awwwh thanks bette. but i gotta wait till something happens that adds onto what i already written :heart:


Lord of Altera
Danie, a fluffy pink novel must have the following elements: an unrealistic true love, a person who feels like there is no salvation for him/her, a person who feels he/she is unworthy of love, at least five glorious sunsets, an accidental fall that lands one in the arms of the other, cheesy lines, a misunderstanding that almost breaks them a part and of course, a happy ending.
Unless you are a fan of Karen Marie Moning... in that case forget all about that and bring in the druids, the Celtic warriors, the time travel, the Thuata de Dannan and some steaming descriptions that don't belong in a forum with a younger audience.

* waves her fan-flag proudly*
Oh, okay. Can't say I've read many of those :p


Sparkly purple member of the team
Hey! You are right, the wolves were the only good thing in the damn movie ( that's what you meant, right)... And.. and... *blushes* I liked the third and fourth book.

*Runs before being stoned to death*


Sparkly purple member of the team
We are getting wayyyy of topic here.
Lets not steal the attention from sir Kai's story.

*Points at sir Kai*

Story! This would be a great time to cough one more chapter up.


I think I might like it here
I suddenly feel like walking away slowly. o_o Preferably in the opposite direction this conversation is going.


Sparkly purple member of the team
I fear we might get Altera sticky with sugar and honey and bother everyone with sudden bursts of red hearts... and the occasional release of a daemon.


Zalenfal Guardian
Oh. My. God.

Name: Kai Dreamer
Nickname/Alias: Kai
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5.8
Weight: Have not decided.
Hair: Brown and black. Black covered by hood.
Eyes: White
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: Pure white eye hair hiding his one red (his one red what?)
Strengths: His knowledge in both light and dark arts
Weaknesses and fears: Losing his power. His weakness is definitely his lust for power; He will do anything to gain it.
Religion and cults: Order of the light wizards
Profession: Lore master for the Light Order

I was a farmers boy... Young and hard working. I tried to play with the rich merchant's sons, but by the way I was dressed you could tell I was not one of them.

My story begins and ends at my tenth birthday. Father finally scraped enough money to buy me my first cake. The merchant's sons talked about this sugary loaf many times. i was so excited when it was set on the table in front of me. Before my lips touched the first bit, a thundering of many hooves sounded. My father was dead before he opened the door. Surrounded by the shadows he screamed as life was drained out of him. My mother suffered the same... A tall man with a sword walked up to me, sword raised to kill. My rage seemed to burst forth. He screamed backing away but died seconds later. The man I came to know as the leader seemed to enjoy watching his partner die. "Magic" he said. "Hidden powers you have yet to know you have". His eyes glowed red, burning into mine; I chose to follow him as an apprentice. In my heart I plotted his death. it was all I thought about; all I cared about. He took me to his school, which was surrounded by evil spirits and demons. Even they seemed to shy from this man. He never told me his name, but he was called "Master Wraith" by everyone brave enough to approach him. He took me on as his very own apprentice. Singled out of a entire school, he taught me the ways of the darkest arts. Necromancy.

Two years later, I thought I was ready to finally extract my revenge. Gathering my courage and my spells, staff in hand, I made my way to his chambers. A single light shone with a blue flame; it seemed to light the entire room. I found him there in the middle of the room, in a trance not even the gods could wake him from. "This will be easier than I thought" I told myself. The dagger in hand, I struck at him, hitting anything I could see. i will never forget his cold mirthless laughter... He slowly stood up still laughing. the blood that fell from his body slowly flowed back into him! I stood transfixed, knowing this was not a normal man, and that my dagger is no match. He held his hand out as shadows engulfed me. The images I saw will haunt me in every sleep... In every dream... And every thought.

After recovering from that night, I found myself in his chambers, alive! He stood beside me smiling. I was rewarded for being the first one brave enough to try and kill him. He decided to teach me how to summon everyone's worst fear. Everyone's worst dread. Hell's own demons. He told me the incantations. I repeated them until I knew every word forwards and backwards. He taught me that demons require blood from the user, a small finger prick would do. Dropping the blood on the ground and chanting I successfully summoned a low level imp-type demon. He was fully under my control. I used him to kill the soldiers whom helped with the raid on my home. Master Wraith was very pleased.

I don't remember much about this night. Only what I write to you now. Laying in a puddle of blood. My blood. I watched as my master walked away laughing, fresh blood on his hands and robes. I lay there praying to the Queen of Death, begging to spare me. Then I blacked out.

I awoke to the sound of talking. I looked around seeing two monks in brown robes, leaning over me, I felt no pain, only stiffness in every limb and muscle. Slowly standing up I thanked them. I was in some sort of docks. "Port Silver," he told me before leaving with his clan. "God with you, my friend!" he called. Heh... Yeah right. The gods would not waste time with the likes of me. So I left. I was looking at the boats deciding which to take when two men came to me, both in long white robes trimmed with gold. "Master Bellon would like you see you." I followed not knowing what else to do.

We arrived in Uthrandir. A crowd was standing on a bridge. The two that I was with joined the circle. "Welcome to Uthrandir!" an old, yet wise-looking man said. His eyes glowed with a kindness not known to me. He radiated power that seemed to match the gods! Who is this man!? I thought to myself. Surely he is no mere mortal. "I thank you old wise one," I said bowing, thinking this man deserved nothing other than unbounded respect. He smiled warmly. "I brought you here because I know you have power. Tell me, young wizard: what is your element?" I hesitated. Surely they would kill me where I stood if I said dark. But this man... This man knows what I am - I can tell. "I am a necromancer." The others around him angered. I could feel the magics flowing through their bodies ready to strike. 'I have nothing to lose...' I thought bitterly. Let them kill me. But they did not. The old master threw me a wand to my surprise. "Show me what you can do!" I shot a blinding spell at him, yet he still hit me with a high-level fireball. I still have burns... "Very good... Very good indeed. Sir Water, please supply our new friend with robes and a dorm," he said to one of the others; a wise looking wizard. "Of course, Master Bellon." So I walked with him into the school... Into a new life. A new beginning, and new understanding.
Welcome... to Uthrandir!

"I am not evil... I'm just misunderstood." - Kai Dreamer.

Book Two: The New Start

I quickly came to like the old man. Bellon treated me as if I was his own. We talked about my past. He asked me to share my thoughts on demonology, as well as a book on dark arts. I complied. He seemed to enjoy my stories very much - soon I became Lore Master of Uthrandir. My works can be found in my study. The others... I'm not sure if I'm trusted by them yet... But my quest for power continues. Bellon showed me the orbs and holy fountain. My studies have led me to believe when a evil spirit is cleansed of all their power in the fountain, the power goes to a jewel in Bellon's private chambers. This I will look into. He keeps it locked by powerful magics. But I can find a way... I always do.

The giant sword... Ah, the power I could attain from that! I could be a god! I could rule the gods... But I still remain loyal to Bellon. I must do this without him knowing. I shall keep my journal updated with my studies.

" I am not evil... just misunderstood." - Kai Dreamer.

Ah! A newcomer arrived just today whom had the name Happy. He knows small knowledge of healing and minor magics, and hopes to learn more at the school. I invited him to my quarters for questions as to add him to this journal. We all welcome a new student, and I hope to meet more newcomers.

"Darkness is but a shadow of light." - Kai Dreamer.

[Book 3, or perhaps 4 as I am doing a rather large sum of writing.]
I felt a familiar tug at my heart while meditating. I fear my old Master Wraith seeks me out again... I also fear I will not be able to resist much longer. But let's put this aside and dive into my dreams... *Pfft* Dreams! More like a damn nightmare! I was back at home at the age of 13, visiting my home town. This was around the time I was in the necromancy school. My Master Wraith came to this town often for students and other items of his interest. I met a woman in a tavern. She was fair, silk skinned... she had flaming red hair and a smile that could warm even my master's heart, perhaps... Ah, I forget, he has no heart to warm... Forgive me, readers. Her name I later came to know was Amber. We became friends and I left the school many days afterwards to visit her... We became... Intimate, and a love was blossomed. Wraith later found out about this and sought to put an end to my growing attraction to the lady. I took the journey to the town to see my love again. I fell to my knees in the mud as it was raining heavy... But never as hard as my tears. My dreams showed me Amber's town... In ruins... Flames ate at the houses and land I saw a line of villagers; perhaps the only ones who survived, being led by Wraith... I dare not show myself or he would know I left the school. And there she was... Amber... My love... A gnash in her cheek, her clothes ripped and singed, her arms chained my tears continued to fall when I heard her scream my name... I wanted to call out! I wanted to run to her and save her! But Wraith saw me... He held me there with just a glance. He lined his prisoners against the wall and raised a hand, many axes were raised and dropped. The last scream I ever heard from Amber... *tear stain here* My God... "I love you Kai," then it was over... Wraith made me carry her body to the hill. "Punishment for disobeying me, idiot apprentice! Look at what you have done to yourself!" I lay on the ground for two days... maybe more... Just holding her lifeless body. I did not care if I died from the cold hunger or thirst. I wanted to die there. I wanted this damn pain to end. I awoke from this vision of the past after laying her body in the ground. A cold sweat covered my body.
"Love is a burden I will not trouble myself with." - Kai Dreamer