Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kazuo - The Dwarven Engineer


Name: Unknown

Nickname/Alias: Kazuo

Age: probably around 100 years

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf

Height: 4'8"

Weight: 14 Stone

Hair: light brown, plaited, beard

Eyes: Red

Skin: White

Identifying Marks: red eyes, engineer goggles

Appearance: peaceful and somewhat mysterious, well educated and helpfull

Strengths: intelligent, skilled engineer

Weaknesses and fears: not very talkative, fears his past

Religion and cults: believes in Korog, not very religious though

Profession: Engineer, Farmer, Miner

After he lost his memories he decided to call himself Kazuo, which is a rather unusual name for a dwarf.
The only thing he remembers about his past is that he was once participating in a great war in a far away world.
Back then he was a posessed war priest serving a demonic cult, crushing their enemies with his war hammer and cursing them with demonic spells.
He thought he died in battle but instead woke up in the Grove of Shalherana. He barely remembers anything about his past, including his evil deeds.
His red eyes might have something to do with his past. He hopes to regain his memory on his journey through Altera but at the same time fears what might await him.