Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kickstarter Republique


Legend of Altera
Hey there.
Many Of you have probably heard of Kickstarter, the crowd funding site. Well another game has been posted on it that needs the publics help to get rolling. A game called Republique a semi stealt/haction genre game, which looks like it has loads of promise.
However it has only raised 159,111 out of 500,000 at the time of creating this message with 9 days to go. I was hoping there may be some people on here who would also be interested in this game and be prepared to fund it.
It is currently planned to be released on Pc, Mac and IOS devices, funding levels being
$10(£6) for a copy of the IOS version on release
$15(£9) for a copy of the PC/MAC version
$20(£12) for Both.
(although he talks about it being solely designed for IOS in the main video they have decided to bring a different version to the pc/mac that utilises its control scheme, as stated in the PC/Mac video about 3? videos down)

Here's the link. And thanks for taking a look, hopefully this thing will get the money it needs.


Lord of Altera
it has a nice idea behind it from what i have seen, but is it just control cameras and tell her where to go? or is there more to it


Legend of Altera
I assume there will be more yes, but I couldn't say for sure as it is only a plan and not a full fledged game as of yet.