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Hollows Explorer
This thread is a closed thread that is to allow admins to post up known errors: so that you can see that we know where there are bugs, and you can see what we are trying to do about them.
Please read through this thread before complaining about a Bug.


Hollows Explorer
Known Bug: Selling Pistons
Related Plugin (if any): Virtual Store (/vs)
A name error occurs when trying to remove or buy sticky pistons or pistons from the Virtual store. This is a known error for the virtual store developers. The item is displayed in store as Piston_sticky_Base or Piston_base when put up to be sold, but then can't be removed and no one is able to buy it.
Known Effected players: Lutheranus
Course of action: This is a plugin bug that we have no control over. Suggest to players not to sell pistons or sticky pistons for the time being.


Hollows Explorer
Known Bug: Chests emptying
Related Plugin (if any): None
This is a very common problem, the results of which lead to players loosing the contents of a chest. The reasons for this, as far as we understand, is to do with a memory error when a player lodes in an error with a chest, before the chest itself lodes. This results in the chest dumping its memory as it tries to load faster. This is a common problem in errors that are not near-by to a player when a player attempts to teleport to it. This is due to the area having no pre-load time, and being forced to load too quickly.
Known Effected players: Many players: including myself
Course of action: This error is a vanilla error (e.g. based on the games own coding) and therefore can't be changed by us, and is unlikely to be able to be fixed by bukkit staff. However there are ways we can stop this.

1) set your home in an area where your chests are NOT too close by
2) spread your chests out, don't keep everything in one area
3) use the virtual chest /gp
4) Walk instead of warp (this is an important one, as its mainly warping which causes this issue)


Hollows Explorer
Known Bug: /home = death
Related Plugin (if any): mywarp & vanilla
This issue is very similar to the above issue. The chunk loads after the player, causing the player to re-spawn inside of a wall or floor. This is a very common problem, and like above is to do with the way minecraft loads its data.
Known Effected players: Many players
Course of action: I have personally been in contact with the developers of mywarp, and suggested that they add a slight time delay to the loading of the player after warp, however it is a difficult thing to do, and involves a lot of buffers and pre-buffers which could be memory intensive.

the ways you can avoid this are:

1) have your /home or your /warp on the 2nd floor of a building
2) Try walking
3) don't carry expensive things, use the /gp whenever your planning on travelling using a warp or /home.
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