Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Loyal Servant of Altera

Still Working On

General Information:

Name: Korim
Titles: Explorer

Age: 25
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Current Residence: None
Birthplace: Family Farm

Physical Appearance:

Weight: 82kg
Is Seen By Others As: Mysterious
Voice: Deep and Clear voice


Likes: Exploring, Reading, Jishrim, Magic, Gray Lady and Interacting with people
Dislikes: All good Gods, people fighting and people saying they don't believe in magic.
Strengths: Reading, Intelligent
Weaknesses: Making weapons or armor, using a sword
Fears: Getting in a sword fight
Education: Taught himself by reading books
Languages: Human
General Attitude: Wants to find a way that he can use magic
Religious Inclination: Grey Lady and Jishrim

Short Term Goals: To read as much as he can about the land and discover and unfold mysteries that people have not yet discovered. To try and find a teacher to show him how to use magic.

Long Term Goals: To learn the ways to use magic and teach others. To become a teacher in history so people in the land can become more educated about their history and avoid the mistakes they made in the passed.


Wardrobe: Long Black Coat with dark grey gloves, with leather black boots, dark brown shit and pants.

Owned Homes: None

Carried Inventory:
-Leather Chestplate
-Leather Helmet
General Inventory:
-Water Bottle


Illnesses: None
Allergies: None
Injuries: None
Sleeping Habits: Light Sleeper and Doesn't sleep in a bed
Energy Levels: Very High
Eating Habits: Rarely eats meat or anything but bread
Exercise Habits: Exercise all the time
Memory: Rarely Ever forgets a thing
Unhealthy Habits: Doesn't use a bed, doesn't eat any meat
Drinking Habits: Drinks alot of water


Peaceful or violent: Peaceful but can turn Violent in a second

Weaponry: Iron Sword

Combat Training: None

Training & Skills:

-Good Memory
-Very fast learn
-Quick Reader
-Very Intelligent
-Very Fit
-Good Charisma
-Good at uncovering Mysteries
-Good at Exploring
-Good at Farming

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Explorer
Favorite Types of Food: Bread
Favorite Types of Drink: Water
Hobbies/Pastimes: Reading, Speaking with people at the in, Worshipping Gods or Learning to use magic
Favorite Colors: Grey


Relevant Family Members: Walter and Joan
Romantic Interests: None
Trusted Friends: None
Friendly With: Any one
Wary Of: Kings and Mayors
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