Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kuya Orile


Name: Kuya Orile
Nickname/Alias: Brother Kuy
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5" 90
Weight: 83kg / 13st
Hair: Brown straight hair that fall over the shoulders and black moustache accompanied with a simple beard in the same color
Eyes: Deep black color, they look as if the owner had lost his soul
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: Those cursed eyes
Appearance: Wears brown leather clothing with a white top covered by a light brown woolen poncho
Strengths: Strong believer with some herbalism knowledge
Weaknesses and fears: Panics when encounters a snake, holds a grudge against demons
Religion and cults: Vermella, the good Goddess of Red
Profession: Preacher, herbalist


I come from a small village in the North. It is no longer there, because it was raided and destroyed. As all can see, I have those nasty eyes that look like they could eat a man’s soul on the spot. I got them as a present from one of the demons that attacked our village. It was days before my birth when that demonic siege took place. My father with other men fought, but to no avail. In the mean time, all the women tried to silently escape the onslaught. Suddenly my mother was attacked by one of the demons. She was left to die, but thanks to some unbelievable force a brave warrior appeared and saved both of us. Those eyes are a memento of that day. I was raised by mother and our savior as a person of strong faith, but I can’t stop to worry how tainted is my body. I don’t know the real scar that the demon left within me. That is why I must find him. Find and slay. Yes, that way I can be free of this burden that I have. That way I can gain my freedom and save others from this corrupted future.