Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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We are aware there has been recent lag issues on the server. I'm not sure what exactly is causing it, but I suspect its either a plugin or the current bukkit build. The server itself is not lagging at all, and neither is the tekkit server interfering. I've noticed ever since 1.2 came out minecraft and especially bukkit has been unstable, and remember that bukkit still hasn't released a bug-free build yet. We will continue to investigate the problem and see if we can do something to fix it.

We will also sort out the PvP toggle issue, it's simply that a lot of plugins broke and some of them are very slow on updating. But rest assured it will be fixed and a working, coherent and clear system will be put up.


I just noticed that I feel.... Lag is no longer.... it went calm down after changed the plugins...


King of the north!
I dumped a load of plugins today as well as swapping over to permissionsex instead of permissions bukkit so hopefully that will have fixed it a bit. Cherbert also updated bukkit to a more stable version so that should help too. We'll just have to keep an eye on things now.


Yes it was permission but there are other plugins which are out of date, causing the server goes lag

backward lag sucks.
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