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Lairèn, Soulthief


Loyal Servant of Altera
To everyone who reads this:
I've no idea if I ever will finish a story I write. This piece is the second part of the story about Lairèn, the first part is somewhere at the bottom of page two, but I think it can be read separately.
Here's the prologue, enjoy reading.
P.S. If anyone has comments or finds a grammatical error, please tell me.

She had been dreaming, it had been strange dreams, dreams that were not hers. Even though her bond with him was weakening slowly, the magic could not last forever, she could dream his dreams when he was this close, right next to her in bed. She turned around, watching her husband sleep, sometimes mumbling something. He was still dreaming.
She had seen demons swarming over the city, over the lands, the screams of citizens, and the screams of a cat, what made her uncomfortable. She shook her head, but could not get the sounds out of her head yet.
“Did you see what I saw?” A sleepy voice asked. Thomas was awake, his eyes softly glowing in the dark. He touched her face, there was no need to answer, he already knew. Still she nodded, he always knew, even without reading her mind.
He sighed. “No need to worry, my Queen.” She could not see it, but she knew he was smiling, sometimes she felt like she knew him better than she knew herself. “This was a worst case scenario, as far as I can see. Nothing indicates that it really will happen this way.”
“I know, my love.” She reached out, touching his rough beard, now more grey than the brown-red it had once been. “But the cat…”
“The cat is a good sign, it’s our most powerful weapon against the demons. It has been given to us by the Lady herself.”
“You think…” He put a finger over her lips.
“Yes, I think so.” He was silent for a moment. “But let it rest, it’s not time yet, he has to grow, get stronger, and live the life that’s meant for him. No reason to burden him already with things that might happen.
He’s still a child, maybe not to the rest of the world, but to us he is. Let him be a child as long as possible.”
“I don’t think he’s still a child. I heard the whispers about him in the streets, the kind of whispers that make you feel cold inside.” With Thomas she could be Savanna, not the Queen of the Helanian Empire, here she could tell her fears, her dreams. She snuggled closer against him. “Is it true, that he can carry an extra soul?” She had expected it to happen.
She felt him nod, reluctantly. “Yes, it’s true. From what I heard, he refused his cat to take the soul and took it himself. He carried it all the way to the Gates.
Maybe you’re right, he’s not a child anymore, but he’s not a grown man either. Tests will await him before he can be called a man.”
She closed her eyes, listening to his steady heartbeat, hoping it would never stop, that he would live as long as she could live. “I’m afraid.” she whispered. He stroke her hair softly.
“No reason to be afraid, my love, I won’t leave you.” He touched the thin, silver necklace he wore. She knew better, it was no silver, it was his thread of life.