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Lambone,the cursed warrior


I think I might like it here
Name:Thomas Lionheart(now lambone lionheart)
Nickname/Alias:The cursed one
Gender:male or i hope so
Race:I was once a human but now I am a lamb man
Height:6"2 an evil man experimented on me.
Weight:120 kg without wool 150kg with wool.Its a special type of steel wool
Hair:White puffy and is a commonly sort after recourse.
Eyes:I have blue eyes but after staring into the abyss my eyes become twisted and can strike fear into a grown man.
Skin:its hidden .
Identifying Marks and appearance:My signature white and gold armour.This will remain on me until i am cured of the curse.My head is that of a sheep.
Strengths:Sworsmanship and heavy wool gaurd
Weaknesses and fears:chivalry gets in the way,Become a full mindless sheep.
Religion and cults:I worship the god of the lion he will bring my noble heart and cure my exterior someday.
Profession-I am a travveling blade who will only accept quests which are of a good morality.

My story
I once was a great man.Sir lambone of the lionheart family.In my childhood i was bred to protect.My parents were killed by a red demon who appeared he warned me that if i had killed him now it would have been a reprise from the coming curse.I clenched my eyes closed but when i opened them the demon was dead and standing on top of him with a blood sword was king steelcryo.He saved me and taught me some sworsmanship.When i was 20 i created the Rosenberg knights.We had many great adventures untill we stumbled upon a hamlet called kohona.This was bieng controlled by an evil dictator called mushuu.We defeated this dictator in the battle of darkmoon.We settled in this town and become its fighting force.

Before the cataclysm i lead the town know as darkmoon to peace.But soon strange creatures started to appear ushering the age of the cataclysm.The warriors of darkmoon set off too fight this cataclysm.But soon the world realised that Queen grief was winning. Before too long the darkmoon battalion was wiped.But not me.I was presented before queen grief. She dipped my head in water.I fell asleep and awoke in a new land.The new world of altera.I was thirsty so i went to the river and looked into it.I saw that i had been turned into a sheep.I took the name lambone to hide my shame.That was how i become the cursed warrior and the only survior of the darkmoon battalion.I heard that other non-combatants of darkmoon made it through.But i do not have the courage to face them anymore.

After i started running for fear of the hunters and the impending doom that will eventually come this day.After a close encounter with a hunter something snapped my swordsmen ship skills returned.I managed to train myself up from there.After returning to the new port silver i felt alone familiar faces were of few and the public was anew.On my travel to a memorial I had set up to my battalion who was lost in the dark days i discovered a note.It was from one of my most loyal friends,Shadowsmalls.
He said that with his dark magic he has discovered a cure for me.But it requires thedeath of queen grief.He gave me a potion which enabled me to become stronger and gave me a little bit of money to buy a sword and we parted ways.So until this fateful day i live on with the curse that was forced upon me.But one day i know that the cataclysm will arrive and ther i can find my awnser from queen grief.

When i was travelling one day i met a child who had a message for me.It was queen grief.she sent a message saying 'hello my dear sheep man come back to the abyss' and it turns out that kid was an assassin.I knocked him out but didn't kill him but before i did knock him out i looked into his eyes.Unfortuently they were the same as mine.I had to dispose of him as there was no way to save him.Damn you i shouted.I could never harm a child.She exploited my weakness.Alone in this world i sat down and began to think should i join a town.Or should i begin an offence to protect from a new catacylsm if one should occur.I retracted myself from the world but now im back and better than ever to help the community of altera.