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[Laws] The Four Tables of Astrakhan


Lord of Altera

Art by Kamaoe
Art by Kamaoe


In The Interests of Peace, Procedure, and Prosperity, the Laws of Astrakhan and Her Holdings, formally known as the Asrakosian Dominion, have been transcribed into four sections, or tables by order of the Basileos, Theodosius Hostilius Herennius.

These Tables are to be learned and obeyed by all citizens, inside and outside of the courtrooms.

They contain not just the common laws of the city, but the law of the Dominion, and the rights of all Her Citizens.


Table One outlines the wider laws of the Dominion and applies to not only Astrakhan, but to any current and future holdings such as subject towns and fortresses.
More importantly, it describes the function of the Assemblies, the Courts, the Royal Family, and the Legion.

Section I-1: The Assembly & The Curia


-Sub-Section A-1- Description of the Assembly-
Each city, town, village, and all other civilian settlements under the jurisdiction of the Asrakosian Dominion are to create an Ekklesia (known as an Assembly) composed of that settlement's citizenry.
This Assembly must open to all and will serve as the voice of the Public to its leaders.
If applicable, each Assembly must have a representative (known as a Tribune) of the plebeians (commoners) and patricians (nobles and merchants) for each neighborhood/precinct, as well as a Tribune from any and all Collegia (Guilds) and Naoi (Temples, Cults, and Religious Fraternities), and local tribes and cultural groups.

If businesses of a similar nature (i.e bakers) would like to create a guild, they must gather in front of the highest authority and announce the creation of their Collegium.

Each Tribune may serve for a period of no more than six years, after which the public may legally replace them through a simple vote.
Votes before this period may go through, as can changes of representation, but the case must be overseen by a judge or Priest of Ignis to prevent or detect corruption or intimidation.

If an Assembly is apart of a larger government within a province, then they must elect a Consul to speak for them in the Regional Assemblies.
This Regional Assembly, has the ability to speak on larger problems, such as issues of conscription, major legislations, wars, and trade decrees.

-Sub-Section B-1 - Curia Minoris -

The Basileos reserves the right to charge various members of the Court to rule over settlements and act as a diplomatic representative to foreign states.
1666889162522.pngThese mayors will be known as Kephales and have full executive power over the settlement within the bounds of the law. If someone rules over multiple settlements, they are known as a Dux: a duke, or governor. The Assembly is also allowed to choose qualified individuals to serve as Dux or Kephale, or put them up as alternatives as leaders, but the ultimate decision is that of the Basileos.1666889222511.png
Kephales must have the equivalent of the following positions in each settlement, though their titles may be changed to fit the settlement's size or the linguistic background of the population. The Kephale and their subordinates will be known collectively as the Curia Minoris, the Minor Court.
These may be chosen by the Assembly or by the Kephale as they see fit and will be given an appropriate stipend by the Dominion.

- Magister Publica Sanitas: Head of Public Health, representing all doctors, healers, sanitation and waste-workers. Also broadly in charge of environmental laws, such as hunting, logging, waste-dumping, and foraging regulations.
- Logotheta: This individual is in charge of all taxation and trade in the province or settlement. They also must furnish and supply all government messengers.
This individual answers to the Megas Logotheta in regards to Kingdom Taxation and the payment of local troops.
- Aedile: Head of all major infrastructural projects, including the construction and maintenance of roads, temples, public housing, walls, mines, and public farms. Must have an understanding of engineering.
-Horeiarios: Head of the Granaries. Organizes emergency stockpiles of food, clothing, and other necessities.
-Praefectus Akrites et Vigilum: Head of the Akritai (border-guards) or the equivalent local town or city watch (the Vigiles, "those who watch").
-Sakellarios: Treasurer or accountant to oversee and record the usage of funds by the Logotheta.

- Quaestor: The official assistants to the various offices, generally performs record-keeping and secretarial duties for the Curia Minoris. There may be no more than four quaestors to a Curia, who may oversee other minor scribes and record-keepers.
- Bibliothecarius et Magister Akadēmíes: Head of the public libraries, local schools, academies, and universities.
-Judge-Archon: In charge of the courts, recording new laws, and keeping order during the Assemblies.
-Lictors: A small retinue of public servants trained to protect the Kephale and their Court members. Each member of the court is allotted 2 lictors, though the Kephale and their family may have 6 in total. They cannot be drawn up from the military or from any private pool of retainers, instead, they must be elected by the Assembly. This will serve as a reminder of the duty the Curia has to the Assembly.

- Legatus: This position is not chosen by anyone but the Basileos, Basilissa, or the Strategos. They and only they are in command of the legionary garrisons.

However, in the event that there is significant corruption or a situation that the Basileos or the courts are unable to oversee in a timely fashion, the Assembly may gather and replace this Kephale/Dux with a new candidate, whom the Basileos may dismiss or promote at their own risk.
Kephales and their families who have served honorably for a period of sixteen years will be given the status of Patricians as well as a small stipend for their service.
Families who obtain this status may continue to serve as representatives and candidates for Kephale in the future provided they have not broken any laws.

-Sub-Section C-1- Duties of the Assembly-

The Assembly representatives must gather at least one every four months to discuss issues of importance to their people.
1666888954732.pngThese issues must be either solved before the end of the year or they will be compiled into a series of records that will be brought to the Annual Assembly.1666889408662.png

The Annual Assembly is a meeting of the Kephale, their Court, the Assembly's Tribunes, and possibly the public as well.
Here, all grievances and long-standing issues may be taken before the government and debated in an orderly fashion, overseen by the Archon and the Lictors, who may only carry the fasces (an axe buried in a bundle of rods) and may carry no other weaponry.
Besides settling disputes, the Annual Assembly must schedule major festivals and public infrastructural works with the Aedile, as well as put into place any new legislation.

If a settlement is apart of a larger regional government, then they must also attend the Regional Assembly to discuss matters of the province at large with the Dux, their Court, the other Consuls, or even the Basileos.

The Assembly does not necessarily have the power to override the decisions of their Kephale, Dux or the Basileos unless there are clear signs of tyranny or criminal behavior, which will be detailed in Table Four. If this is the case, they may strip them of their offices and elect new ones.

In the event that the Basileos or Basilissa has repeatedly acted in a manner that betrays complete insanity, excessive and/or unjust cruelty towards the masses, the Assembly reserves the inalienable right to dethrone them and deny their family members the ability to serve in executive functions. This procedure will be given more detail in Table Four.

Section II-1: The Family & Court of the Basileos

Herenii Banner.jpg

- Subsection A-2- The Royal Family-

- Subsection B-2 - The Royal Court-

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