Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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League of Legends


Lord of Altera
Leave your name here and ill make a list.

If you want to sign up, do me a huge favor and use this link :D

Forum Name - IGN
Slaymachine - Yashnak
Thea - Thea_Paronell
Bellonthewis - Bellonthewise (not sure if missing e is on purpose)
Auxilium - Auxilium11
Matyio - Matyio
Sodium- Sodiumsmotts
vanar - TerrorTale
Itzzaboy - Itzzaboy


Cobblestone King
Auxilium - Auxilium11

Prepare to buy tons of wards when you will have to face me.. I'm everywhere! >=D


The Lunarch
Eh, Sodiumsmotts, what servers do you play? I play US even though I'm from UK... for some reason unbeknown to me my friends decided they wanted to play on US rather than EU when we joined up.


The Lunarch
Well my main account is US (at my friends request) but I also have a low level Eu account so I can go wherever.

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
Right, need to patch up some things, shouldn't take too long, perchance 10 minutes.
Shall we settle the information?
Who's going to be who,
Which game type are we playing
If classic, who's going middle, top, bottom,
If new one (D-something, forgot what it was), who's going top and bottom,
Who's AP, tank, PA, healer, melee, ranger, mage, etc.

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
For me, i'll be Janna or Ashe (If available, otherwise natilee),
Most likely Janna, AP/Mana, going top both sides, magic ranged I believe.
If Ashe, then AD/AS, top again, ranged ranged, have a set available


The Lunarch
I can go Any... Recently been playing a fair bit of Ahri, But I can AP/AD Kog/Sona/Janna/Annie/Maokai