Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Leaving for a bit~


The young curmudgeon
I'm sorry to say, but I need to take a bit of time off from the server. So much has -not- happened in RP that I wanted t recently, and so much -has- happened that I never saw coming that my character is in a complete vacuum and at a total dead end.
I have a great deal of pent up frustrations at the running of the server, both IC and OOC, that its coloring my feelings towards not only the staff but my fellow players. I'm quite afraid that if I continue like this, I'll be banned for saying something I shouldn't.
I know I'm not a particularly famous name around the server, but I thought it right to post in case someone comes looking for why I left.
In RP, Bekkua is heading back to Verbali to find his (Banned) missing Satob, where he will remain for a very long time. I'll probably make a new character upon my return.
I may be on for very brief instances to do administration work for Taalmarr, but that is the only time I will be on. I will keep up on the forums, as far as general news goes.

Thank you all for the wonderful time I have had here so far, and I look forward to better times in the future. I'm just too frustrated to have them now.

With love,


Have fun with whatever you're doing, Irish. Keep up with me on skype or I'mma have to walk down there and kick some butt. :)


All of the above. I hope that you'll return to us whenever you're ready, all refueled and ready to go!