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Finished Letters to Our Departed


The Lurker
Retired Staff

I dont really no what to say. I wish you had left when Ashna asked you to. That way I could have visited you at the Crossroads all the tim. I culd have told you all about my new life in Grafjell, and about how I’m learning how to use a fal- I dont know how to spell it, but its a sword with a dull side. I miss you a lot, which is really weerd cause Im not sure I remember what your face looked like. But I know it was pretty. Ill have to look at your loket agan.

You no, everybody likes to say what kind of bad person you are. Or, I mean were. And you did a lot of things that hurt a lot of peeple, but you never hurt me. Even with everything they say, I want you to no I love you. A lot. I hope the Grey Lady sees how much I love you and lets you go to a nice place in the afterlife. Im going to hope for that.

Oh! I’m thirteen now. So I guess it’s been quite a while. But I figured you should no. By, Mother. I miss you.

Your son,


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
.. To she who has lost her soul..

May you find it, someday. May it come to you in the moonlight, the starlight. May the light guide you home. May you feel your true meaning, oneday. I miss you, and I love you. The Sun does not have to hide from the Moon, and the Moon must learn to forgive. Forgive me.



The rosiest of forests.
With perhaps the worst writing around a scribble of verba (Will edit in the actual name after I look around again-!) is added to the mix.

My father, please forgive me for leaving you without notice. You may be happy to know I have become much better at sowing, though you most likely already know that. I miss you more than anything and wish to one day hug you tightly again. This is most likely foolish. I do not believe you will read this but somehow I must contact you to apologize and attempt to set my mind at rest.

To Hazrin's brothers. He thinks about you often and I'm sure he misses you as much as I miss my father. He's sorry, too. He should have brought you two with him.


Events Staff
Very Sweet

I can’t stay angry with you. I’ve tried, Gods have I tried, but I cannot. You left me, left us, and I don’t know how to raise our children without you in their lives.
But I love you. And for that reason, I won’t be angry. I think you wanted me to be, maybe because it’s easier to deal with. Despising you so losing you didn’t hurt so much. Wanting me to see you differently, I suppose. It didn't work, despite the things you said.

I’ll do my best with our children. You have a daughter now, Evelyn, who you’ll never meet. I don’t know what I’ll tell her about you. But I think Jaxon will know what to say.
I miss you. I’ll always miss you. But I need to focus on them, now. Be something stable, support them and give them the best I can offer. I can promise them I won't leave them as you did, but that's bitterness.

I’m not sure you’ll be able to read this letter, of course not, but it helps me to write it and so you’ll have it anyway. In some manner.
You’re going to miss so much. You're going to miss everything.
Goodbye, Drachen. Here’s hoping I’ll see you again, in time.
I love you more than you knew.

- Nylarii


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Dear Pa

Ma told me to write some stuff to you so here it goes. I promise I won't disappoint you more. I don't know if I can disappoint someone who is dead but I'll try anyway
I'm sorry you didn't love me but I hope you loved Ma. I have a little sister now. I'm gonna take care of them, so don't worry about it.

I love you Dad. I miss you and wish you didn't have to do what you did. I'm sorry I'm real sorry, I'm more sorry then anyone can think



Dark Council Elite
Dear Pa

Ma told me to write some stuff to you so here it goes. I promise I won't disappoint you more. I don't know if I can disappoint someone who is dead but I'll try anyway
I'm sorry you didn't love me but I hope you loved Ma. I have a little sister now. I'm gonna take care of them, so don't worry about it.

I love you Dad. I miss you and wish you didn't have to do what you did. I'm sorry I'm real sorry, I'm more sorry then anyone can think
Oh my god, this hit the feels so hard.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
( :3 .. *Throws all the letters and books into lava so that it stays only between you folks.* No more stragglers!)

[Unsigned designator], May this letter pass your hands among you all.. Seven of you.. I believe..

..I have led you to no return. So that you may find peace.. instead of pain. For that.. I carry the burden of those who disagree as I live. Their cruel eyes.. I return with my own. I have grieved.. I have felt sorrow for you all.. before.. during.. after. My hands tremble and twitch as I recall it and your faces.. It haunts me at times when my thoughts linger upon the moment. I feel coldness wrap around me when I should be already broken.

I did it to ease your pain. The one you carried.. to release. My wish.. is for your peace.. Peace of mind.

I will not do this easily. Ever. No. It was not easy for either of us.. I know. Each one gone.. A tick upon my soul. Heavy. Many have cursed me for this in my living realm.. as I continue to live and do this.. But I still live. I .. will still be here.. Giving a way. My regret slowly seeps away as the burden of hateful eyes land upon me. I will be hateful under those eyes. No more pity, no more regret. I did what I aim to do and I know you came to me because of it.

I hope.. you have found it.. What you were searching for. Your friends.. Your loved one.. To release that constant pain of illness.

Farewell.. souls.. I will live for this burden you have passed on.. and for my own lingering will to live..

Until.. I tire.

..The end giver.



Truth be told I resented you for leaving in such a way. After considering you a Sister. After consuming me with stories and songs. After being one I considered a close friend. You acted rashly. You gave me grief for what trouble you caused. My thoughts always linger to reasons on which you would not listen to me. .. But you are wild. I know that. Always have. .. And then you leave. .. No mending what occurred. You caused trouble.. and left where I could not drag you back to fix. Days.. Months.. I wondered if I would ever forgive it.

..I know you caused grief to end it all. I know you wanted to leave for peace. Yet you lingered for trouble until that moment. This.. I cannot forget.. Instead of anger consuming this letter.. I will write you well thoughts upon the end.

..Your grand-daughter is well. Sheila... Healthy. Wild.. as you were. She hums the songs that you do.. and reminds me often of you.. I do what I can to stray not too close because of it. Apologies on that regard. I find it a habit now. She has a knack for romance just as you did.. Perhaps should get someone to teach her a bit about it someday.. She misses you.. as I miss our conversations.

I hope you have found your peace and tranquility and the friends you lost. May you have it.. and not resent me for being.. resentful for what occurred. I have learned to let go. I can assure you that.

..Farewell for now..

Until.. I tire.



You.. do not deserve a letter from me.. But words must be written to put my thoughts to ease.

.. Even till your dying breath.. You wished to turn your son against those who actually cared. .. Yet.. He is doing well.. Perhaps far better than what you had in store for him. His father is his guide and will forever be that.. I am thankful at least one of you was strong minded. I have no regrets.. and I hope you had none as well for not listening to my warnings. You did what you willed. I did what I must. It would do me well if you hated me for it among the fallen. For what I did in your viewpoint was not "right." .. And something I believe was not fully "wrong" nor "right".

..I would have been acceptful if the boy and father back-peddled into hate of what occurred. I am not ignorant of what could have happened. But they.. unlike you.. have chosen to live otherwise. .. I cannot fully be myself around them for this stain will always hang over us. But I will do what I can for those that are left behind.

Until .. I tire.



Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
My darling girl, daughter of my heart,

There is not a day that goes by that I do not miss your laugh, your smile, your inquisitive nature. My heart broke when I lost you once... the second time nearly destroyed me. I had a room ready for you, that you never saw. There as a home for you, but you never got to know it. And a little bug you had yet to meet, who would have known you as Sister. It reflected my heart when we tore down the house with that room. It was as if you would come bouncing through the door at any moment, if only I could have kept it just so. But it was not meant to be. It is cruel that someone would have taken you from this world just as you were given back to us, and my heart fills with a white-hot hate when I think that they could still be out there, unpunished. But I would forgive anything if it would bring you back to me.

May your light shine in the Infinity, and Wisdom always guide you,


((let's see if she fiiiiinds it))


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
sorry, Im a bit late... I've had a tiny notepad file with the letters (since they were only pieces of paper ingame), and they were initially going to be posted after the Shalherana event on Saturday ( @Sizzix 's, if I remember correctly).
I ended up being informed of a close relatives passing in the middle of that event, Heh. Maybe folks remember or maybe they don't, but I recall stupidly clearly a 'brb phone', and that entire phonecall, and just losing it the moment the event was settled, like there weren't any more walls of distraction separating me from reality. I still feel a little bad for taking off so abruptly but... well... the relevant part isn't bad poetry and is how I forgot completely about the letters until much later, and then I got busy and forgot again. oops.

So without further ado, here they are! Tzemik's Letters to her Departed.

Scardrac Dormus-
-You are dead... to me. And I mourne what we once had, I mourn what was once even a friendship. Time has worked its steady destruction upon my memory and I mourn what I once believed to be kindred relations. I mourn the what I always wished was. What has happened between us now is unforgiveable, for I could never forgive myself should I forgive you. You are dead to me, Scardrac. And for you, I mourn.

Gustav Fritz-

-Where have you gone, my old friend? Why did I not help you? I presumed you dead once before and I presume you dead now- For while it may be within my power to seek answers, I am too afraid. Too afraid. Too afraid to try and seek the truth. Afraid, of what this truth might be. I beg of you to forgive me, Gustav. Of forgiveness from your spirit, more old memories as faded as the parchment of my notes. And I truely hope you are well, wherever you are. One can only hope you are. You always did have that knack of making the best of things...


- Harleen Rose. So fragile and warm, a bright beacon with those dreary hospital days. I could have saved you, Harleen. I could have saved you even after your skin grew cold and blood stilled. I could have tried and tried and tried harder and I did not. I could have visited that paltry excuse for a grave, yet I only lingered on the edges. I could have avenged you, Harleen. Even do this day, I do not know why I did not. I wonder how you are doing, I wonder if you are happy, I wonder if you are well. I wonder why, why, why I did not take action when I could've and should've and I tell myself I would've.
I miss you, Harleen. These lands are a bit darker without your presence. If your werelight spirit should ever find purchase in the Infinity, could you do I a favour?
Give peace to Somnastra, for she needs it far more then me.

Vallahad- )

- You deserved better respect. Better consideration. Like many of these letters, I write yours with regret, Vallahad. I never truely had the opportunity to apologize as I so wished I could. It is regret for what should have been done, and what should have been. It is with this passing I will record what memory of you I have and enshrine it, in respect. And woe unto those who might desecrate your name, and the memories of yours. I do not know if we will ever meet again, yet I shall look to the horizon and hold hope I do not meet you within my meditations unto the land betwixt living and dead.


- We still need you. You left us too soon. The people of Altera deserve a better Mystic- I was never fit for this role! I search to return you and give them the Magus they deserve. For it would have been my legacy, to restore the guide that was always meant to be. It is with this letter I bring my efforts to an end. What is done, is done, and this I must accept, my old Mentor. I wish you farewell and I shall strive, strive to bring the Art into a new era. The Hydra Accord shall soon be completed, your dream of the Silver Serpent has become my own - and realized! With the Art, I will usher in a new era of peace and healing. Mysticism and medical shall spread as far as I can urge it, yet even classes begin within the coming moon! It is all in gratitude to you, Master Lathan. And yet, and yet.. I cannot say goodbye. We still need you.

Luna Lupi Cor-

- My old friend. We stood together against the powers of Corruption, with you on one side of mine and Liadan on the other. To know you have passed on brings peace, yet... it is a difficult peace. A taste bittersweet.What people I might call friends dwindle with each passing day, and with each dwindling I feel more sorely the void where friendship used to be. If the Grey Lady does not treat you well, I shall come and pull you back myself! For I miss you, Luna. I miss friendship. May your spirit be ever fierce, for none of your bloodline could ever come close.


- It is not often one finds a connection of with another. This is my one and perhaps only prayer to your strange beliefs, my red-haired northern friend. It is not a prayer of mourning your life- for your life still yet lives- it is mourning what I have lost in potential. Some might call me selfish, I care not- for this is a passing to the Beyond as far as I am concerned. There once was a "could have been", and here I accept it will be nevermore.

Grey Skinned Bastard-

- You have not yet passed, no. Yet.. here I will grieve and finally let go of what, what could have been. So many of these letters signify my own, personal, moving on. It is after this day they will find me a new person, a more present aid to our lands. Behind will the chains of the past be left. I write this to quell the ache of the heart within. To be at peace, that is why this letter burns.

Patient 1; The Blue-Eyed Caparii-

- *This is not a letter, but a very old yellowed piece of parchment with a faded orange flower pressed and dried against the paper*

Patient 2; Grimar-

- Some would say it was a mistake, and nothing but. To this day I cannot say I did not mean you harm, for the hate I felt and immaturity of my soul fueled bloodshed in rage, in fury. But I did not wish you dead. I never wished you dead. You died in my hands and care- An enemy, yet a patient. You did not deserve to die, nor should you have. I never mourned, and so I mourn now.
*scrawled as an afterthought* but go haunt nwalme now, its his fault anyway.

Patient 3; The dark haired man-

- I never learned your name. Before the Silver Serpent had begun, you were brought to me upon a roadside. You bled from the mouth and your arms. Your blood ruined my clothing and stayed in my fur, no matter how many times I scrubbed. A cruel grim reminder of my third failing. Did I deserve this fate? Did you? I did everything, everything I new in my early days. That 'everything'- it was not enough. It never was enough. And when I saw your blood in my sleep I cursed your name and the blase manner in which you dared DIE.
It did not strike me until now you never got a funeral, nameless dark-haired elf. Consider this your passing. I becry no more, for there is only reverence now.

Patient 4; The wounded woman in Silverwatch-

- To this day, my knowledge of you is only what I gleaned from others. And to this day, I cannot approach the gates of that accursed town. A settlement housing pigs posing as men, cows be their wives. I was told I found you wounded, then you were spirited away. I was told I tried to save you, yet the entrance was barred before I- A doctor who carried no weapon nor malice- and how I foolishly insisted they allow my tend you. Tend you, after you had been dragged through mud and filth with wounds open to the skies. I was told I could not save you; and I was told... When burning oil was poured down for no reason other than my kindhearted insistence, they could not save me.
This injustice- Your death, and my own- Rankled like a hot spike inside my chest. To this is my farewell. Here there shall be forgiveness, even if I do not forget.

Patient 5; Eleonore Black-

- You asked me to care for Luna and I refused. It was your deathbed wish, and yet I refused. Shortly after the girl- for the infant was indeed a girl- had been weaned you died. Your will stated that Luna was charged to me, and in absence of I, to one Tybalt. I refused.
A hospital was no place for a child. A laboratory was no nursery. I was too busy. I had secrets too terrible. I was no fit caretaker, oh no, I tarried too often in dangerous places and danced with devils. What use would a child have, with me?
This is what I said. This is what I repeated, even when not asked, to those I called my friends then (Who were dwindling, dwindling as water dwindles from palms). Luna Black was best fit with this other person you wished her to go. This... was a lie, Eleonore. The truth is that I could not bear raising yours, for it reminded me too stiffly of my own loss. This is my letter to you as my admittance and proper respects to the fifth failure of mine.

Patient 6; Raindes-

- Perhaps if I had been a better doctor you would still hold your mind. That love for tea would still abound. Refusals of gems or coin or meat would still be commonplace. Harleen would still be with us. The inhabitants of Eresse still smile at these memories, instead of turning away as if they are a gruesome scene none wish to view. Your legacy began with promise of greatness and ended with nothing but a promise of pain. Pain to recall it and a weary feeling in my hands when I write of my sixth failure. Perhaps I have written too much, Raindes, Eressae, whoever-you-are. May you rest in peace.

Patient 7; Infant-

- I don't remember if they named you. I do remember wrapping you in cloth and flowers, giving you to your mother knowing how short your time was here. Oh little one, you reminded me so of Vitae, I retreated that evening to my room and I wept. I wept for wounds torn fresh and I wept for what could have been. I do not know why my magics could not be quick enough, but it is your death that spurred me to fully embrace them. At how steep a cost I find; And with each pressing thought of each life saved the cost becomes more and more reasonable. Sleep well, nameless soul. You have a flower in my garden for your struggle, as short as it was. As long as I walk the lands this flower will bear good seeds and spread the beauty this world so sorely lacks.

Patient 8; Rose-

- You died of after the death of your newborn. Of a broken heart or my mishap, I do not know, yet I envy you. I envy that you went to join your lost child. I envy that I was so weak I could not do the same. The parallells are painful and they do not fade with the passing years. I only know the father of your child came to take you both away, and I did not watch you go. For I could not bear to see another loss leave my care. To struggle so and ultimately fail is the sickest lurch in the pit of your stomach, this you taught me. My regret here is that I did not know your last name. Sleep soundly, red-haired woman, let your spirit rest. Know I learned and will strive to never repeat my eighth failure.

Patient 9; Anna-

- The final and hopefully last patient I shall ever see pass on. Of course you were a young child, and it was my own ineptitude and absentmindedness in where you died. I arrived too late, too late and took upon a hopeless situation and for this I can only hope you have found peace, little one. I had the power to save you! I should have could have, would have. It failed me, I failed you, and I failed myself. Failure so heavy my throat becomes tight and I see those I could not save in even my waking hours. Be at peace, even as peace came so young to you. I will respect your spirit as it deserves.

Dearest Mother-

- (Written in Ludkava) If I could leap through the hourglass cycle, back into your arms, I would in a heartbeat. I will first hold you so tight and so close. Then I shall insist that you run, run, run away so you do not have to die so needlessly once more! My next acts will be running with you, fleeing to my Aunts in Verbali, saying just the right things so it all becomes better as I only know how to in hindsight! How I fantasized when I was young. When the Guild in Verbali rejected me, when little Vitae came and when he left, when those in Kavdam asked where, where did I come from?
I stopped dreaming when I grew up. One could say I am too old for fantasies now. One could say I simply lost hope to dream so rashly.
You would have loved to meet little Vitae. He had your eyes.
I love you.

-A faded Nakam print-

Basil (From Eminu); -

- (Written in Ludkava) The transcribed words of Eminu, what was recovered off another who deigned to leave the land before they could arrange respects. It was my hope to hold a separate pyre, but the Wars insisted on existing. This sendoff, to your Human deities, is the best I can do.
'Basil I love you. My Basil. Is important much but words too few for saying. I love you Basil, my Basil. Burned is Nakam custom because as my fur grow grey my grip is weak joints stiff. It is poetry to Nakam custom die in fire; Basil my Basil. Do not wait long, I come to join.'


- (Written in Ludkava) My little starlight. My little Vitae. please come back to me. Your life was so short, too short. I love you so, Vitae. I love you so. You have a brother now, my shining stars, my little love. You two would have gotten along so splendidly. The last, and strongest ache within my heart burns this day. Goodbye, my little Starlight. Never shall I forget how warm, how small, how loving you were in my arms.

tags (I've forgotten some folks, some of these reference RPs from a veeeery long time ago, but I've tried to get everyone mentioned):
@solus @Scardrac @Agnew @ForestRose @Somnastra @Estes241 @bettemus99 @Faelin @The Living Ghost @MageProtocol @Saelihn @blargtheawesome @VanquishedVyre


Lord of Altera
Atlanta Rhett -
My graceful, elegant, serene mother. Taken away from me, you missed my life unraveling like a crazy tangle of webs. Absent was your presence on my wedding day, never there to hold my hands while tears rolled down your face with an eternally peaceful smile rested on your flawless face. You were never there to meet your first grandchild. Never there for the second, nor the third. You were never there to give Ailil the hug for congratulating him on becoming The Grey Lady's acolyte. You were never there to put roses into Alassea's hair as you sang her the melodies you drifted me off to sleep with when I was young. And Eira never got to feel your gentle skin, nor hear the sweet bells of your laughter as you read to her.
I miss you, so terribly much that it burns my heart and makes my ribs fold like spider legs.
I love you. I love you forever.

Nindir Rhett -
The half of my soul, my heart, my life. Your death split my body in two. You never deserved to be laid into the ground, and your bravery is what has always kept me going. I never wanted to lose you, my cherished brother. We were inseparable like the true twins we were, and forever will be. I will never again hear your infectious laughter, nor will I be able to recall your touch, but every time I look into the mirror, I shall see your green eyes, your face looking back at me, for you live inside me forever, and I will live strong, for the both of us.
I miss you, I love you, and I will see you again.

Those Who Where Lost In The Sorrows -
My old friends, my old memories, my old treasures. Do not believe for a moment I have forgotten you, your souls have not slipped my mind.
Injustice was brought onto you and we shall reign terror onto those who have wronged you. The Blood Serpents will pay for their wrongdoings, and you shall finally rest in peace, my friends.
Rest sweetly, dream sweetly.

All signed by,

Alanna Rhett
