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Marcus "Pyrocide" Helix


The Mogul of Cromarcky
The saddest part is I really wish I could fully explain these journals, my character, and what it all means. But I can't. Or rather, won't. But it doesn't mean I don't want to.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
The saddest part is I really wish I could fully explain these journals, my character, and what it all means. But I can't. Or rather, won't. But it doesn't mean I don't want to.
Ah, well. Jigsaw pieces still show parts of the picture~


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Very true. Some interesting bits I think have already started to be seen be a few people, though there is always more under the surface of the water.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
"The tip of the iceberg"
And I get the feeling that there are a number of rather huge icebergs floating around Altera currently, but not many people are deigning to peer below the surface. Personally, I intend to find some lovely metaphorical scuba gear; it'll make a nice upgrade from the snorkel I have currently.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
That sounds great, and I can't wait to see you dive. But before you do, make sure you can swim.

Exactly two people are going to get the full extent of that message.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Lovely thing about the BLarg, if a secret or interesting tidbit isn't just literally thrown at me, or at times if it even is, I never notice it until it hits me directly in the face. :D


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
... Lovely thing about the BLarg, if a secret or interesting tidbit isn't just literally thrown at me, or at times if it even is, I never notice it until it hits me directly in the face. :D


The Mogul of Cromarcky
All is forgiven.

Now, it seems as though I'm not going to get a journal out of Blarg, so regardless I will continue mine in the hopes he decides to catch up. :p

Entry 5 - Treachery

Grand Mogul of the immortal House Cromarcky, it is my hope that by now you have found your place as ruler of our loyal masses. However, should you still be still not fully situated in your role, these passages are here to continue to guide your mind until you are.

Going off of the last entry, a note should be taken on treachery. You should never believe a man is incapable of treachery, because if one man is then all men are. But, this does not mean you should fear all men. The only ones you should concern yourself with are the ones with cunning, a strong heart, and determination. Those men are capable of true treachery. The others are only capable of low treachery. Weak men are not capable of more, nor those of low means. Only those who are brave are capable. Cowards do not have the stomach for it. Weak men will always wait for someone else to take risks.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
"A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never tell when their going to do something incredibly... stupid."


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Entry 6 - Peasants and Nobles

Even while the basis of Cromarcky is built on the ambitions of the Barons, it is imperative to realize the following - trust the peasants before any noble. Peasants are simple creatures. They only revolt when they feel fearful and alienated from their ruling class. Ultimately, the peasants only want to eat, and this makes them trustworthy. Nobles however have higher and more sinister ambitions. You must be even more watchful of Nobles of other houses, as they do not share the tenet of Loyalty amongst us as our own nobility does.

However, in the case that you become suspicious of a noble within our house that has lost his loyalty, then you should immediately place him with others of high station and treat him like a dog. This is how you root out a treasonous person.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Entry 7 - Love

Our glorious and eternal Mogul of the Magnificent house Cromarcky, I have no doubt that you already agree with this next lesson, so it is simply written here so that you may remember to pass down such information to your followers, and any future leaders of the House.

What does it mean to love? Love is devotion, duty, and loyalty. You are the Mogul, and therefore your love must be to the House. As well, all who are a part of the house must also love the house. Do not misunderstand infatuation with love. There is no loyalty in infatuation, and such feelings will betray you. Do not marry for infatuation's sake. Marry for Love of the House. Therefore, should an opportunity to strengthen Cromarcky through political marriage be an option, if you love your house, as the Mogul must, you will accept such a commitment without hesitation. In fact, should you commit yourself to another without their being benefit to the house, you have acted selfishly and you have betrayed your true love in doing so.