Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Doge Keeper
General Information:
Name: Marie
Other Names:

Age: 15
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current Residence: Oren
Relationship Status:
Social Status: Peasantry

Physical Appearance:
Height: 5'3
Weight: 102 lbs
Eye Color: Pale Green
Skin Color: She is very fair skinned.
Shape of Face: Her low body weight gives the features of her face a far sharper and gaunt look than they should have. The overall shape of her face is that of an oval.
Distinguishing Features: There are few, she's fairly forgettable.
Build of Body: Frail and fragile, the girl looks as if she might blow away if the breeze was strong enough.
Hair Color: A fair blonde color that grows darker nearer her roots.
Hair Style: She keeps most of her hair braided nicely at the back of her head.
Complexion: While she isn't spared from the acne of people her age, the girl's face is usually free of blemish.
Posture: Though she does her best to keep a straight posture the girl occasionally finds herself in lazy slouch.

Is Seen By Others As:
Scars: None.
Voice: She speaks in a soft tone, often having to force herself to speak up.

Fears: Wendigos, Cultists, Spiders, and the like.
Values: She holds a strong sense of duty to family and her countrymen.
Education: She has little in the way of formal education, and she is not a strong reader.
Languages: Only the common tongue.
General Attitude: She is rather passive, finding herself to be rather agreeable with most anything that goes on around her.
Religious Inclination: She has long held Ignis in high regard.
General Intelligence: Her intelligence is average, and the girl is no prodigy. She is however well spoken, when she can muster the courage to speak.
General Sociability: High, though she is remarkably shy around new faces.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

Short Term Goals:

Long Term Goals:

Illnesses: None.
Allergies: None.
Injuries: None.
Sleeping Habits:
Energy Levels: Generally rather high, often appearing chipper.
Eating Habits: She eats very little.
Exercise Habits: She does not find herself exercising.
Unhealthy Habits:
Drinking Habits:


Peaceful or violent: Peaceful.
Weaponry: None.
Combat Training: None.

Training & Skills:
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