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Matyio ban appeal [Resolved, Unbanned]


The original mute
Well, here I am doing something I thought I'd never get a chance to do, apologise and explain why I did what I did, as well as how I intend to make sure it doesn't happen again. So first, before I apologise, I'd like to thank the staff for letting me have another chance. This means more to me than any of you are probably aware.
Now, onto the apology. I'm sorry for a lot of the things I did whilst I was here, whether it lead to my ban or not I'll apologise for it As I never did before the ban even though I knew most of them I should have done.
First is posting my address, I'm intelligent enough to know that this was a stupid thing and it wasted people's time editing out when it could have been better spent on them having fun or doing their job. It had been on my profile for a year and the only reason I posted it was I was used to being with friends that knew where I lived anyway. It's difficult for me to get out of a way of thinking sometimes. Needless to say this is one mistake I shall be repeating, that I can say for certain.
Second is all the times I lashed out at people. I'd often apologise after but honestly, that's never going to be good enough. I realise now that I often got to that point because I let insignificant things stress me out. Then when it built up too much I unleashed upon someone who had a valid point, or was having a laugh, or was even just misguided. More often than not though, my outbursts were due to me misunderstanding someone.To prevent this from happening again I've taken to playing games, or painting my miniatures when I'm stressed, and just apologising and leaving people alone, in the most extreme cases I've used features that allow me to ignore a person and put that on. In other words I've learned how to focus my stress on more productive things, rather than arguing needlessly.
Thirdly I'd like to apologise for all the depressing posts I made during my time here. I don't mean the mildly negative ones, but the ones that I made about suicide and death. The extremely negative ones. One of the first things I did when I was allowed access to my forum account again was go through and delete all the posts that made me feel even slightly depressed. While I was here I didn't realise it, but when I was banned I discovered something about me. I have an unconscious need for attention, and I was using my depression so I'd get the attention I craved. I could go into detail about why this is but that's not needed, all you need to know is that I've been able to stop my depressing posts for the most part. However I have been told that many of my posts still come across as very negative, and that is one of my new goals to lower the amount of. I'd much rather come across as neutral than negative if possible.
Finally I'd like to apologise for all the harassment of staff I partook in during the time I was banned, I let my emotions rule me during that time and I probably hurt a lot of good people. To prevent myself from doing this again I'll probably just bar myself from the forums for a while. While my apology probably comes in too late to change anything I'll still say it. I'm sorry, not just for this but all the above.
After I was banned from here it was as if I was a child learning all about myself again, other than the fact that I loved attention I learned that I had more than depression and Asperger's syndrome, but without the ability to go to my parents for aid on this matter I cannot get diagnosed. Though after a fair amount of research I suspect I suffer from paranoia due to the bullying I endured during secondary school, and I also appear to suffer from minor anxiety. I also learned that for some reason I cannot accept people trying to help me directly, something which if I'd found out much earlier would have meant a lot of the bitterness people felt towards me after failing to help could have been avoided. As previously mentioned I have not been able to get professional help. This is due to the fact that any advice I go to my general practitioner for will be passed onto my parents who would react badly even if I told them. My mother is extremely protective over myself and my brother to the point where she will try and shield us from harm where harm is not coming from. In other words if I were to tell them about my mental health issues or go to my gp for advice I'd be pulled out of college and not be allowed to go on a computer for anything other than work. Something which would drive me mad as two of my best friends are only contactable through a computer. And well it would be denying me a chance to get into an industry I've always wanted to get into.
Some of you may ask why I'm not pleading to be unbanned, and that's because the way I see it, pleading to be unbanned doesn't show that you have, or are willing to change the same way as giving examples does. My hope is that you, the staff team see this and feel that giving me another chance is something you want to risk. You have already done more than I thought would ever happen by unbanning my forum account, and I respect you for doing that. My hope is that I don't disappoint any of you by getting banned immediately.
As for my alternate account I have leant it out to a friend and as such have had one of my friends remove it from the ban list and whitelist, Lucina_Reed is not currently under my control and so if someone appears trying to whitelist it I will aid you in anyway nessecary.
Finally I shall be Roleplaying my mute musician character again, he'll be basically the same personality but I'm making some changes that will affect how he roleplays, I have read through the lore and all the relevant guides and shall make sure not to make another lore breaking character as I have in the past.
As I have been lead to understand, if this appeal is accepted I will be required to make a whitelist application so I may enter the server. If I have heard wrong or there is something I've missed then feel free to enquire, after all you want to be as sure as possible before letting me back I assume.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Hi there! Sorry I'm a bit late, I've had a touch of busy-schedule trouble over this past week-in-particular. I'm going to be handling your ban appeal :)

To begin, I'm hoping we can discuss some points of this appeal, your ban, and relating to your previous time on the server. As you mentioned in your appeal, I feel I need to clarify: While this may be making sure as possible of our potential decision, it is only with good will for you and what struggles you have gone through. And yes, you will be required to re-apply within the Whitelist.

Throughout your appeal, I believe you touched on many personal issues. I think I'm going to firstly address how this is going to affect the Server-
Just to clarify that Altera is a community of friends, not professionals- Not people who can help you in the ways you probably need. We, as the Staff, aren't able to aid you (No matter how much we'd want too) if only for how we are not equipped in that line of work. When you find yourself in a negative space back on the server, I need to ask you remember to seek out a therapist or someone who is better able to help. (I read of your problems in contacting such, which I will address personally later.). This ties in with the excessive negativity. I want to see people with an outlet, but I can't let something like that happen when it upsets others around.
While the above is undoubtedly important to be communicated, I want you to know I commend you for all you've achieved with this in your life. Stress management and working to better yourself are no small feats, and those in themselves are the workings of someone I have no problem "absolving of various past 'wrongs'". (This is not mentioning the various issues I have with how your ban and everything subsequent was handled by the staff at that time).

One point of your Ban Appeal that caught my eye was your apology towards your treatment of Staff Members surrounding your original bans. I think I'll be the first to admit there were mistakes made on both sides- That doesn't retract from how either party acted, but it is an important note to make. I'm aware there were some justified issues with the staff team of the past, and I'd like to mention the staff team of Today is held to a standard of respect for the playerbase we help- As we request they are respected in turn while performing staffly duties.

With all of the above taken into account, it is also asked that you create new characters (Not entirely, I see no issue bringing over traits- or a personality). It is unfair to existing Legacy characters, and your aged and learned character has been absent from the world for far too long. I hope this isn't too much of an annoyance for you- keeping a standard of balance is important to this Server.

Hope to hear from you soon- And have a good one in the meantime.

Some personal advice of mine, if you'd like it: Therapists, to my knowledge, will keep confidentiality if asked. If you're in a University, I'm sure you can ask around your peers and professors for help or advice. Have you attempted seeking confidentiality with your GP?


The original mute
I know and understand that altera can't help me in the ways that I need, I made the mistake of thinking that last time and I promise not to do that again. If I'm allowed back on of course. About the excessive negativity, it's not that I mean to be negative but rather that I'm phrasing things negatively and not realising. It's unintentional and hopefully shouldn't make anyone feel down. It's probably linked to my mood or something, but as it's a fairly new development I haven't had the time to figure out how best to either lessen it or put it to good use. I come to altera not seeking help for my mental problems but more as a place where I can go and people might accept me for who I am and help me forget I'm different for a few hours a week. Also it could aid my unconscious need for attention if I do some things that people like.
My respect for the staff team was never in question, and if we were to actually look it was more people I'd thought were going to help me in my naivety. I was wrong, they couldn't help me no matter how much they wanted to but I was blinded by foolish anger. This is something I've learned to look at in a far more objective manner now.
As for a character I must have explained myself badly. I meant that I was going to take the name and core elements of the character that I roleplayed here and make it more believable and immersive. I have no desire to offend anyone's legacy character but I cannot control those who once roleplayed with my character. My hope is that most if not all will realise it's a new one though.

On your personal advice its the fact that because I live with my parents the general practitioner has to divulge that I've seen him and then about what to them, same as the therapists, and knowing how my mother would react means that I can't do it behind their backs. For months I've been trying to figure out how I can tell them without them panicking and taking me away from my friends at college and online.
Thank you for your time, and I don't mind that it took you this long.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Alrighty. I'm sorry for what is still plaguing you, but I'm glad you seem to be doing a bit better.
As well as my thanks for clarifying a few points- All lovely to hear.
Given you keep the points in my first post in mind, I don't think there should be any issues- And it looks like we're good to go. Feel free to contact me with any questions of yours, or if there is anything I can do!

I'm going to resolve this Ban Appeal- Feel free to make another whitelist application for the server, and I hope to see you there :D