Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mees's Ban Appeal - [Denied - Halfmad]

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Legend of Altera
I got banned using x-ray, i'm not going to lie about that fact.
So... i fully admit that i committed x-raying.
Yes i know this was/is sctrictly against the rules.

I was wrong.
I apologize for my behavior.

Ofcourse, you will never see me doing it again.
I know what i did wrong, and will behave myself the next time...


Le Original Queen
Not on our server, no. You admit to knowing it was againt the rules amd yet you did it anyways. Why bother?


Legend of Altera
It was not my intention to break the rules though, it was just a try out thing , that just happend..

I guess i'm done now...
No need to pull a dead horse...
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