Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mercenary for hire.


Lord of Altera
Right, my character is mercenary. A traveling one. I've been around a few places now and none really get what I want. I've been offered houses and honest labor, but that's not what I'm looking for.

I'm searching for someone to serve! I'm a good role-player, so if there's anyone out there who needs a servant/bodyguard, I'm that guy. I'm not that guy you ask to chop wood, I'm the guy who got your back where ever you go.

My character is an lawful, good character- and very loyal.

If there's anyone interested, here's some character information:

Name: Rogan
Nickname/Alias: Strider
Age: 32.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Height: 6.2 ft tall.
Weight: 12 Stones.
Hair: Black messy and short.
Eyes: Dark brown with a hint of red.
Skin: White, and quite dirty.
Identifying Marks: Thick eyebrows, and a scarred lower lip.
Appearance: Dressed in simple traveling clothing, Rogan is almost always seen with his fist holding the hilt of his sword in a tight grip. His boots are muddy, and his face is worn by dust and wind. His black hair just about covers his ears, and doesn't look professionally trimmed. His thick eyebrows makes him look like he's frowning, even though he's not.
Strengths: His sword-arm and his loyalty to his lords.
Weaknesses and fears: Religion, and the thought of being banished by God due to his sins.
Religion and cults: Rogan choose not to believe in a God, due to his past.
Profession: Traveling Mercenary.
Short backstory: As the sun rose in the east, they saw a figure walking towards them, scraping his sword in the dry sands. Wearing nothing but his boots, carrying nothing but his sword, the shady figure fell over.
Rogan Strider is the name of a traveling human mercenary without a home and without a family. Walking the lands for a purpose, Rogan walks deserts, sails oceans and climbs mountains in his search. He won't stop until his hair is grey and his skin is scarred and worn.
Rogan was born somewhere in the east. His parents weren't known to him, as they left him to die in a forest. He was found by a gang of mercenaries who took him in and treated him as their own. He was raised as a hunter when he became of age. Hunting for food and meat in the forests surrounding the camp, Rogan became a skilled archer. As he grew older, he was included more and more in jobs that the mercs were doing. He eventually joined them, and was taught how to become one with a sword. From that day on, he released the bow from his grip, and held his sword in his other hand, with a tighter grip.
During a job for the local lord, Rogan and the rest of the mercenaries set out north to eliminate a bunch of bandits holding up in a cave. Believing it to be an easy task, they were caught by surprise. The bandits were heavily armed with diamond swords and enchanted bows. Amongst them, a leader skilled in the arts of magic. Barely getting out of the situation alive, Rogan was the only survivor. He grabbed what he had, and set off east. For 5 long years, Rogan walked the lands, doing minor jobs for local settlements.


Lord of Altera
Well that depends. Bandits, no. Civilians or something like that, yes.

If he's fighting for the good of the people of Alteria, no.


Lord of Altera
I think you have our group and cause.. Misunderstood.. (Ok, sorry lame pun, the name of the army is the misunderstood) I wouldn't judge based off of profiles though, if I where to judge you, I'd never hire you. I'd think you're a mercenaries head who got confused about signature- But I know you're more than that. If you don't want the job, thats fine with me. But I'm just saying, humans fight other humans in war all the time.


Lord of Altera
I think you have our group and cause.. Misunderstood.. (Ok, sorry lame pun, the name of the army is the misunderstood) I wouldn't judge based off of profiles though, if I where to judge you, I'd never hire you. I'd think you're a mercenaries head who got confused about signature- But I know you're more than that. If you don't want the job, thats fine with me. But I'm just saying, humans fight other humans in war all the time.
Joke. But hey, you say hunt humans. And that doesn't sound like war to me.


Lord of Altera
Joke. But hey, you say hunt humans. And that doesn't sound like war to me.
Sometimes War is the Answer. Its just we're based in the wilds. We don't fight on open fields as many wars are. I refer to it as hunting, you can refer to it as war, either way, they die.